Nourish Your Body Temple with Sacha Inchi Seeds

Sacha Inchi Seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. They have a delicious earthy flavor with peanutty undertones. Crunchy and satisfying, they are also versatile allowing them to stand alone in flavor or join in a trail mix. They are about the size of a lima bean but contain the life-force of a mountain.

I was originally drawn to Sacha Inchi Seeds because of their protein content. A serving size, which is about ¼ cup, contains 8 grams of protein. We’re talking plant protein here, which is superior to animal protein because animal protein has been linked to cancer and other disease( We need protein because we are made of protein. Every cell in the body contains protein; therefore, protein is necessary in helping to repair our cells and make new ones. The good news is that protein is in everything we eat. Some foods have more, some less, and Sacha Inchi Seeds have an ample amount making them a perfect snack or part of any meal.

In addition to protein, Sacha Inchi Seeds contain fiber, about 5 grams per ¼ cup serving. Fiber keeps things moving and helps us to eliminate toxins from our body while reducing bloating and a feeling of general tiredness. Sacha Inchi Seeds also contain Omega 3 Fatty Acids. When I think of Omega 3s, I think of brain power! Think staying sharp, dodging alzheimers and avoiding lack of concentration. Omega 3s are to your brain what oil is to your car. Omega 3s are necessary in promoting health in not only your brain, but also your heart, bones, joints, and skin just to name a few. If you’re like me and get your Omega 3s from plant sources, then know that Sacha Inchi Seeds are an excellent source.

Antioxidants, a vital micronutrient, are also part of Sacha Inchi’s portfolio. Antioxidants repair and prevent damage to our cells. Just living in the toxified world in which we live causes damage to our cells, which can show up in the form of arthritis, cancer, alzheimers, skin problems, and more. Sacha Inchi Seeds contain powerful antioxidants that work to repair damage done to our bodies from pollution, processed foods, and toxic chemicals that find their way into our bodies.

Sacha Inchi Seeds are grown in beautiful places such as Peru, Thailand and Brazil. I buy my Sacha Inchi Seeds at Trader Joe’s and pay about $4.00 for a half-pound bag. also sells them. They come slightly roasted and lightly salted with sea salt.

If you’re looking for a perfect protein source, then look to Sachi Inchi Seeds and know that you’re nourishing your body temple with each tiny handful.

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