Iris Analysis Report for Zachary Goulet by Dr. Robert Morse [audio/video + notes]

Notes on my Iridology report from Dr. Morse.

I sold a painting and exchanged the currency from that sale for an Iridology reading from Dr. Robert Morse.

Here is an Iridology chart to go along with my eyes above.
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4 Stages the Body Goes Through as it Dies from Being Unhealthy:

  1. Acute - eating diary products, creating mucus in the body. Mucus from the lymphatic system (sewer system). The Lymphatic system is inherited from mother. My mom @kgoulet DID enjoy a high protein diet, where she breast fed me acidic milk. Cold and flu like symptoms are an effort for the body to get rid of this mucus, the body trying to detox itself. The medical establishment wrongly accuses bacteria as the culprit. Lymph stagnation turns the blue eye white. Heavy acute Lymph stagnation around the bowel wall. I have malabsorption. Acidosis hardens the bowel wall. Thats how my grandpa died. Suppressing these conditions cause them to become a 'sub-acute' stage of condition.
  2. Sub-Acute - the next phase of acute, where hyper conditions can occur like Hyper Thyroid.
  3. Chronic - everything goes hypo everything begins to die. Hypo is worse than Hyper. Such as a Hypo/Hyper Thyroid condition. Chronic Lymphatic problems turn a blue eye brown. I have friends who have eyes like this.
  4. Atrophy / Decay - Medical Establishment calls this cancer. Turns the eye black. I should look at My uncle John's eyes.

Observations and genetic weaknesses

"Genetics deals with the cells. The lymphatic system deals with the fluids. The lymphatic system itself is made of cells. The sewer system machine in the body. Everything in your body is made of cells except for the fluids that carry stuff to them, the blood and Lymph."

Luckily he says I have genetic strengths. He says I have great genes if I can focus on staying healthy.

  • Pupils a little swollen from acidosis. He says thats the average size that he sees in most people anyway.... :/

  • Sulfur.
    Brown around the pupil. Sulfur from sulfur drugs like antibiotics.

  • Malabsorption.
    I am IN malabsorption right now. So when I eat healthy foods, I don't get all the nutrients from them.

  • Proper elimination.
    Needs to be done more than just from stool. Through the skin- sweating.

  • Circulation.
    Fine at this time.

  • Digestive system.
    "Whopping" Gallbladder weakness. Not deep. Acute to Sub Acute. Lymph stagnation around it. Work on Gallbladder and pancreas. Work on these two organs. Liver Gallbladder formula. Genetic weaknesses

  • Small Bowls and Colon.
    Sub acute stage of weakness in GI tract. Ascending colon has some chronic weaknesses to it. Some chronic weakness in places. Lots of Stuff going on in Stomach. Stomach issues. Avoid proteins. Go on fruit berry melon diet. Restore stomach, easy to do. GI tract above average. Weakness in Ascending.

  • Head.
    Two nervous systems. The Autonomic and The brain.No nerve rings which is Good! The BRAIN of the autonomic nervous system is the stomach. Receding hairline is bad because thats acidosis which seeps into the brain causing the suppression of thought. I have genetic weaknesses in the Cerebellum Mastoid which is Equilibrium, Dizziness, Vertigo swinging blood pressures.

"Not a fun place to have weaknesses," he says. :(

  • Glands.
  1. Both left and right adrenal glands are in a stage of Sub-Acute weakness genetically.
  2. Thyroid. Lymph stagnation in the thyroid and the para thyroid. Sub acute stage of weakness in Left Thyroid.
  3. My pineal gland is in an Acute to Sub Acute stage of genetic weakness.
  4. Chronic pituitary weakness. Which means i inherited weak genes for the pituitary gland. HEAVY Lymph stagnation around my pituitary gland.

"Lymph stagnation equals systs, tumors, you know, that sort of thing."

  • Skin.
    Skin ring all around body. weak skin. skin is largest eliminative organ in thehuman body. acids from the cells. cellular waste needs to be rid of. blows back on every system in the body. little bit of skin weakness all aroound body. Thats why my skin hurts when I get heavy acid.

  • Appendix
    Heavy lymph stagnation. Sub acute to Chronic.

  • Lymph system
    Acute stage of weakness

  • Prostate
    Some genetic and weakness and Lymph stagnation. Need to be careful of this. Fixing the kidneys and getting them filtering is how you fix the prostate and everything around it. Low Testosterone. Can use male reproductive herbs to strengthen the prostate.

"I would get the Lymph moving first before I would get my body involved with tonics- like that"

  • Testicle
    Right Testicle has chronic weakness in it. Left testicle has a "spot or two as well"

  • Respiratory System
    Little mucus, minor weaknesses

  • Urinary tract system (kidneys)
    Light chronic kidney on right side. Left kidney less weak. Must strengthen them. Lymph stagnation in the bladder

  • Skeletal System
    Chronic upper neck. Weakness all through the c spine. Upper back Minor MINOR weakness. Right leg is weak genetically. Chronically. Right leg, right hip and right groin. Chronically weak. He's right I had issues with that when I was in high school. Lot of Lymph stagnation around femur and hip.

"You got a cool body to get well, but you have some places to deal with."

Magic Herbal Tonics Recommended

  1. Upper circuit brain and nerve formula
  2. Endocrine gland formula
  3. Adrenal gland formula


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