Three Of The Most Powerful Vegan Superfoods That Everyone Can Benefit From :)

There are a ton of superfoods out there, but these select picks are amongst the most potent and cutting-edge available. All three are readily being adopted by some of the best health and fitness minds in the world and can be included in your lifestyle to give yourself a push in the right direction!

Matcha tea


A super-powered variant of a classic superfood, Matcha has over 100 times the antioxidants of a normal cup of green tea. It would take the equivalent of 10 cups of normal green tea to match the nutritional benefits of one cup of Matcha tea! Brunswick Labs even found Matcha tea to have over 5 times the antioxidant concentration as Goji berries.

It is said to boost the metabolism and invigorate the self and soul, detoxify bad elements, and have anti-cancer properties. In particular, the unique catechin (antioxidant) profile of Matcha tea- especially epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCg- helps protect against cell degradation and oxidising damage. This supports claims of its anti-cancer properties as well as supporting the notion of Matcha tea as protecting against UV radiation, harmful chemicals, and damaging air that many people (especially in urban environments) are at risk from. As well as this it is full of vitamins and minerals like L-theanine, zinc, and magnesium, whilst being chock full of chlorophyll and fibre. If this wasn’t enough, it elevates mood, decreases stress, and is easy to make.



Usually the edible leaf part of Moringa Oleifera, or the drumstick tree, Moringa grows all over India and Southeast Asia though it is native to the warmer Himalayan regions. Moringa is used in many ways and has a myriad of benefits. It lowers cholesterol (caused by Moringa’s concentrations of beta-sitosterol), has anti-inframmatory properties, anti-anaemic aspects, influences good thyroid health, helps oral health, and even fights infections. As well as this, Moringa has purported aphrodisiac side effects. Its nutritional profile is excellent and, like Matcha tea, contains plenty of minerals and vitamins like iron and calcium. A dash of the Moringa greens powder can spice up any dish with a ton of vegan health benefits.

Chia seeds

chia seeds

One of the best aspects of Chia seeds are their high concentrations of omega-3 fats and ALA helping support healthy body functioning and clean operating system by lowering LDL, raising HDL, and improving heart and blood vessel health.

Rich in minerals such as niacin, thiamine, iodine and strontium - chia seeds also contain a ton of dietary fibre and are high in protein, meaning they keep you full for longer and help support a healthy digestive system. Their antioxidant properties are well documented, helping maintain a youthful glow and stopping the damage imposed by free radicals. Chia seeds have been linked to helping fight diabetes and insulin resistance, while also keeping you hydrated longer and boosting one’s energy and lean muscle growth. Make sure to grind the seeds in order to absorb the most benefits from them if you are consuming them on their own or with other foods.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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