Can Biohacking Double Lifespan? 4.0

The Nrf2 Pathway is the Mother-Load of Biohacks.

I stumbled onto the Nrf2 pathway while looking into the health benefits of chocolate. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans and cocoa beans have a compound called epicatechin in them. Epicatechin is known to extend the lifespan of laboratory animals.

As I looked further I kept finding research papers referencing Nrf2, a few are listed below.

So I decided to find out what the Nrf2 pathway is and you wont believe what I found.

Nrf2 is a protein. The Nrf2 protein is bound in a dormant state within all of our cells. “When [the] Nrf2 [protein] is activated, it enters the [cell] nucleus and it turns on, [or turns up], several hundred [survival] genes”. “These genes enable cells to survive in the face of several different kinds of stress, especially oxidative stress, which occurs when free radicals and other oxidants overwhelm the body’s natural antioxidant enzymes””.

So one biohack could turn on, or turn up, several hundred “survival genes” and the sirtuin 1 longevity gene! Finding this really got my attention.

The table below shows some foods with their epicatechin content.

Cocoa, powder158.30mg/100 g
Dark chocolate70.36mg/100 g
Milk chocolate14.58mg/100 g
Chocolate milk beverage5.58mg/100ml
Apple [Cider], peeled28.67mg/100 g
Blackberry, raw11.48mg/100 g
Grape [Black]5.24mg/100 g
Grape [Green]0.49mg/100 g
Red raspberry, raw5.05mg/100 g
Broad bean seed, whole, raw37.55mg/100 g
Fresh pea, raw0.01mg/100 g
Tea [Green], infusion7.93mg/100ml
Tea [Green], bottled1.14mg/100ml

The data in the table was attained from the phenol-explorer. The link is below and you can use it to find the epicatechin content of other foods.

Some finished cocoa products such as chocolates and cocoa powders are known to contain lead and cadmium. Cadmium is a heavy metal that is both carcinogenic (causes cancer) and mutagenic (mutates DNA)

In an article titled Lead in Cocoa Products: Where Does Contamination Come From? David A. Taylor writes that “manufactured cocoa products frequently have higher lead concentrations than other foods, even though cocoa beans, the main ingredient, have some of the lowest reported lead levels for any natural food”. So theres lead in processed cocoa products. Thats not good considering that chocolate consumption is increasing.

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger writes that “Both and the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have simultaneously confirmed high levels of the toxic heavy metal cadmium in cacao powder products. High levels of lead have also been found by Natural News in one brand of cacao powder. High levels of toxic cadmium are consistently found in cacao POWDER products, across many brands”. Mike Adams goes on to write that “cacao NIBS tend to be significantly lower in cadmium and other heavy metals”. So cacao NIBS are the best option and there available in health food stores.


Epicatechin can biohack several hundred “survival genes” and the sirtuin 1 longevity gene causing the genes to up-regulate their expression. Epicatechin is found in cocoa products such as chocolates and cocoa powders as well as other foods. (see table above)

High levels of lead and cadmium are frequently found in processed cacao products like chocolates and cocoa powders. Cadmium is of particular concern because is both carcinogenic (causes cancer) and mutagenic (mutates DNA).

High levels of lead and cadmium are NOT found in cacao nibs which are minimally processed.

If the steemit community is interested in this topic I plan to do some updates to the article. The updates will cover any dietary supplements that can biohack the 169 enzymes that are responsible the repair of DNA and the 200 genes that are associated with longevity. It would be an enormous project and an expensive one. It would be expensive because a lot of the research papers are behind pay walls and it can cost $35 just to access one research paper.
Also writing is not my strong point I am sure that there are errors and would appreciate suggestions to correct them.

Dr Gottlieb you are the commissioner of the Food & Drug Administration. Aren't you suppose to be protecting our food supply? How is it possible that the high levels of lead and cadmium that are frequently found in chocolates and cocoa powders has escaped your attention? Who is going to benefit from the increase in cancers that the cadmium may cause? If you are lurking around steemit looking for someone to sue please comment, I would like to have answers to these questions.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb commissioner of the Food & Drug Administration.
This image is from the Wikimedia Commons.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As always consult your doctor before making any dietary changes if you are taking any medications.
I have no financial interest in any pharmaceutical or supplement companies.
I am not employed by any pharmaceutical or supplement companies.

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