Sober October Challenge

Hello, again my friends!

Now I know my title may have some of you running for the hills but hear me out. I have decided to embark upon a little challenge and the lovely person that I am, I'm extending the invitation to you all to join me.

"oh gee thanks Tom..."

So what is the challenge?
Well, I want to give myself a kick up the arse fitness-wise, health-wise and physique-wise. Now I have been partial to a beer or two and maybe a glass of wine to relax over the past months and of course, there is nothing wrong with that. However, occasionally it does the mind, body and soul wonders to exert some self-control over these things and give yourself a jolt in the arm.

The question has plagued the greatest minds in history...

Gimme some science bro!

Well, the fat loss/gain evidence isn't as compelling as you would think, with some studies showing no difference between drinkers and non-drinkers (see Study 1). However, it should be noted there is a number of other health reasons to want to cut or reduce your alcohol intake, from hormonal health to improved sleep (see Study 2 & 3). So although there are some compelling benefits I feel that maybe we need to combine it with a few other factors to really kick ourselves into next gear.

"You lost me at no difference bro"

The Challenge

So in order to see some meaningful body composition changes, I have compiled a list of five things to implement over the course of October.

  1. No Alcohol.
  2. 3+ Training sessions a week (I aim for 4-5, a mix of weights and cardio)
  3. Daily activity of at least 30 mins, think walking, biking etc, shouldn't be strenuous.
  4. Aim for 2 servings of different vegetables per meal (At least 6 per day)
  5. Avoid takeout food (Pizza, kebab, burgers, doughnuts, Chinese etc)

Now if you can follow these five things for the duration of October with me I guarantee you will feel healthier, slimmer and proud of what you have accomplished. Maybe you only want to attempt one or two of the above and that is perfectly ok. I will try and support you across October with some extra articles around training and eating to help you along.

Best of luck people!



Study 1:
Study 2:
Study 3:

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