Why you must practice the yogic technique Surya Namaskar everyday?


'Surya Namaskar' literally means sun salutations. The practitioners take 12 postures to pay respect to the sun. The exercises can be done at any time of the day, but the best time is at sun rise.


The benefits of Surya Namaskar are many. Body and mind function at an enhanced level. It works on every part of the body and connects the body and mind, which leads to expanded consciousness. Regular practice expands the solar plexus that in turn boosts intuition too.


Other gains:
⦁ Improves blood circulation
⦁ Promotes a stronger heart and a smoother digestive tract.
⦁ Stimulates muscles and tones all the bones.
⦁ Promotes weight loss
⦁ Stops hair loss and graying
⦁ Keeps skin glowing


Please spare a few minutes everyday to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit!

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