These Habits Can Speed Up Aging

1. Smoking

Smoking can damage different parts of the body, such as the lung, teeth, as well as the skin. According to Robyn Gmyrek, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York, developing a smoking habit may lead to "dynamic wrinkles."

Smokers tend to pucker their mouth when they are smoking. The repetitive motion can cause wrinkles around the mouth. In addition, non-smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke may also speed up their aging.

"The smoke leads to increased reactive oxygen species — a.k.a. free radicals — in your skin," said Gmyrek.

2. Staying up late at night

Dermatologists have recommended getting enough sleep to avoid damaging effects such as dehydrated skin, dark circles around the eyes, and increased wrinkles. A recent study also suggests that staying up at night regularly can increase the risk of metabolic dysfunction and die sooner.

3. Cutting fat out diet

The body needs a certain amount of fat diet, according to Franci Cohen, a certified nutritionist and exercise physiologist from Brooklyn, New York.

"Heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish and certain nuts keep skin supple and plump, thereby preventing wrinkles, and they boost both heart and brain health as well," Cohen explained.

4. Avoiding socialization

People who choose to be isolated may be more susceptible to cognitive decline. Interacting with people is needed to exercise the brain and keep it stimulated.

"The social world we live in is really important. Social connectivity and healthy friendships both within one's own peers, within a family, between generations," said Professor Sarah Harper from the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing.

5. Holding on to grudges

Anger and resentment can also speed up aging. A 2011 study linked grudges to increase in stress hormones (cortisol). When cortisol became imbalance over a long period of time, chronic stress may accelerate cellular aging and potentially increase the risk of conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

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