The Benefits of Oolong tea.

After a heavy meal, especially a Chinese meal, a hot cup of oolong tea would be beneficial. That's what we try to do after any meal at home. After reading so much about the benefits of this oolong tea, I have decided to share it here.

So, I just figured out today that Oolong tea, Green Tea & Black tea( the usual one) that we normally drink, all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Here's the difference:
Green tea leaves are steamed or pan-fired during processing, which prevents them from oxidizing.
Black tea is fully oxidized & Oolong tea is partially oxidized.

Oolong tea contains theanine, an amino acid found to promote relaxation. Oolong tea also offer benefits for heart health, diabetes prevention, bone health, and weight loss, possibly due to the antioxidants thearubigins, theaflavins, and EGCG.

I am more interested in the weight loss benefits of oolong tea. Upon digging further, I found this information from:

The polyphenolic compound found in oolong tea is very effective in controlling the metabolism of fat in the body and reducing obesity. It activates certain enzymes, thereby enhancing the functions of fat cells in the body and a daily consumption of this tea can reduce obesity. In one study, mice that were given polyphenols in addition to a high-fat and high-sugar diet still showed a decline in overall body weight and fat index. Some earlier studies actually showed that the caffeine content was an active ingredient for weight loss, but it now appears to be mainly due to the polyphenols. Apparently, the active components in oolong tea make fat work for you.

This website also listed a whole list of benefits of Oolong tea. But I am a skeptic. Whenever I searched for the benefits of "whatever", I would get a whole list of benefits and I wonder whether these are really true and substantiated by experiments & studies or they just write what they think is expected of them.

Every "superfood" that I am interested in seems to be able to prevent cancer. Everytime I searched for any "superfood", one of the benefits would be cancer prevention - I promise you - without fail. Here's the image from the same website:

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