Back in the game!


A topic for the #smartphonephotography Saturday contest this week is Squares. I have a few more minutes till Sunday starts in California . So I'm using this very last opportunity to jump in and share my picture of a square that I have just gotten! Sort of square)) In fact, I'm just using this occasion to tell you guys what observations I've made today. May be some of you will find my experience helpful.

I had been going to the gym a lot in the past. I can't tell I enjoy the process itself with all that struggling and sweating. But I certainly like the results it delivers. Toned muscles, endurance, better mood and healthier appearance. Nobody would ever guess my real age. Not like I purposely try to hide it. Just saying, there are obvious benefits to pushing yourself a little bit further three times a week or so.

Unfortunately, I had to take a break from the gym for about six months, since last July. Due to personal issues and travel plans. I was still going to yoga classes once in a while and didn't change my pretty healthy low carb/high protein/lots of veggies diet ( except for those rare times when a fellow Steemian @kotturinn would seduce me with her awesome desert recipes). I was telling myself that I can exercise on my own, like do push ups, crunches, etc. Not a big deal! Yeahhhh, that's what I thought...

To make the long story short - yesterday I finally hit the gym again. The same one, by the way. OMG, I almost fainted after looking at the scale readings. I even went upstairs and tried a different one. With the the same result, of course. Six months = ten extra pounds!!!!! And no doubt, they all went into absolutely wrong parts of my body.

The bottom line here, guys - doesn't matter how healthy you eat and think, to be in good shape we gotta work out. and turn it into a daily routine. Period.

Stay well, be in good shape, love yourself!

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