
So I've started a "protocol" designed to change eating habits. It's not just ketosis, it's more than that. It's calorie restirction, reducing foods that can cause inflammation along with supplementing to ensure vitamin and minerals are supplied, as well as essential amino acids etc.

There is some pretty good quality information on Ketosis here

But basically it's changing the energy source the body uses from sugar to fat by eating a low sugar, low carbohydrate diet. It seems to be all the rage at the moment, and it is certainly effective for weight loss, and possibly improved sports performance.

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I'm interested in using myself as a real-life experiment. For me, this process is about releasing old ways of eating, and releasing excess weight. I'm also interested in how I feel and how my body responds to the changes of diet. I'm hoping I get through the 42 days of calories restriction. Afterwards we re-introduce foods slowly to see what my body likes and doesn't like.

I'm onto day 5 all up at the moment, and starting to feel better. It's interesting to begin to recognise when I go to eat something just out of habit, or something to do.

I've also started drinking yerba mate tea. I'm loving the way it provides me with energy, clarity and focus.

It will be an interesting experiment, hopefully I can gain some insight into the way I interact with food.

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