These precious enzymes just saved my ASS!

At 6am on the last morning of my trip in Mexico I woke up very sick.

The worst stomach pain I have ever experienced had me in the bathroom w diarrhea. Wretched stomach cramping with heart palpating, sweating profusely, and muscles trembling I found myself very scared and not knowing what to do. I kept asking for help from God.

While laying in the floor of this bathroom w no ventilation and smelling the awful scent of synthetic cleaning products I remembered I brought these enzymes~ for this very purpose, if I got sick. So I crawled back to my casita and took four and prayed that I would be able to keep them down.

Because I needed to be by the toilet, yet also outside because I needed the fresh breeze I found myself laying helpless next the a sculptured pyramid, topless. The sensation of fabric on my skin was greatly irritation. I kept praying whatever needed to be released to leave and asking my angels to be w me. All the beautiful tan color from my face totally drained. I was in it.

The first person to see me was a groundskeeper for the hotel. He approached me w urgency and w spotty English asked if I was okay ....

As I replied, "Nooooooo, im not okay", a deep mountainous cry emerged. It felt as if these tears were from my ancestors and inside of them my body began convulsing. I cried and cried. He stood there, watching me w love and compassion and total bewilderment as I cried.

And then, in the middle of this crying the cramping stopped.

All of a sudden I didn't hurt anymore. Oh my god. I didn't hurt.

I felt weak and grateful I wasn't in agony. I made it back to my hammock and rested feeling completely in awe that I didn't hurt. I rested for a hour and at then I felt totally fine. I told myself to take it slow so I did, but later that afternoon I was renting a bike and riding through the city, then later playing music by the ocean.

I attribute this healing to Spirit coming in the form of these enzymes! Also, letting myself be seen by this gentleman in such a raw and vulnerable place was deeply healing for me on an emotional/spiritual level.

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, The active ingredient in the supplement and when taken on an empty stomach eases inflammation. I don't know how it works w pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, parasites but I am studying it much more right now! Also, a girlfriend of mine took these for lymphedema and has experienced tremendous benefit.

Just wanted to share how powerful this was for me and how it helped me so so so much!

Do you Have an experience w these enzymes? They are the bomb digggggs!FullSizeRender.jpg

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