Kicking My Addiction to Diet Mountain Dew – One Week Later

Exactly 7 days ago, I posted my intention to kick my addiction to that beautiful, green, fizzy liquid that I love more than life itself……Diet Mountain Dew.

Well, I’m happy to report that one week later, I am still going strong!!


As I blogged last week, my biggest concern was not the impending caffeine headaches but rather I feared missing the fizzy feeling in my mouth. I want to thank everyone who responded with their suggestions for good, healthy replacements to my soda addiction.

Right now, I drink a combination of cucumber water, Pure-Leaf green tea (sometimes mixed with carbonated water for the fizz), and various other green tea recipes I found on Pinterest . I bought one of those sports bottles and put the cucumber right in there so every time I refill the bottle, I get the cucumber taste!

I also found that if I brush my teeth several times a day, the flavor of the toothpaste overwhelms my taste buds and removes the desire to have a drink in my mouth.

One not so good side effect is that I actually put on a couple of pounds in the process. I’m not too worried about that since the lack of caffeine has made me tired and I haven’t felt much like exercising or being active in general. That feeling has since passed and I’m feeling more energy and becoming more active again. I am trying to be conscious of the sugar content in the Pure-Leaf tea and not wanting to drink too many calories.

Big thanks to everyone who responded!

One week down. Here’s to making it a Month!!!

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