Kicking My Addiction to Diet Mountain Dew

I don't drink. I don't smoke. I've never taken an illegal drug, but I drink Diet Mountain Dew like it is water!

That is until now! I've finally decided to kick the habit! I have not had a Dew for 24 hours.
My long journey begins!!!


I'm not sure what exactly what pushed me over the edge to make this decision. Maybe it was the many articles I see flash past me about the dangers of Aspartame, maybe it's because I feel miserable if I don't have my first Dew by 10:00am, maybe I noticed that everywhere I go, I seem to have a cup in my hand. I do know this, this stuff cannot be good for me!

I like to buy the 6-pack of 24 oz. bottles (that way, it does not have time to go flat). I usually down 4-5 bottles of that a day. I'm at the grocery store twice a week restocking my supply.


I know I've got a massive caffeine headache in store for me. I’m not worried about that, I’ve suffered through them before and I know it will pass. The biggest concern for me is my addiction is the “fizzy” feeling in my mouth. That is going to be the hardest thing to lose.

I’m hoping that some of you might have suggestions for what are good and healthy replacements for DMD? So far, all I’ve been drinking is water with sliced up cucumber. I’m thinking of trying cantaloupe in water.

I’ve also been reading up on Tonic Water/Seltzer Water/Club Soda to see if I can come up with a healthy alternative to achieve the “Fizz Feeling” (obviously I will not ingest the same quantities I did previously with DMD, I just need a once-a-day change-of-pace drink).

Please let me know if you have found something that works. I’m open to all suggestions!


Image credits: The Internet.

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