Buzz-Words That Should Activate Your Nutrition Bullshit Detector

Nutritional Bull-Shit

It's rampant...
Here's a short list of words that should set off your Bullshit Detector, when you see them in an article or advertisements. Spotting these should simply put you on alert about exactly what it is you're buying/reading. I personally don't like paying more for things simply because they sound better, but I can't speak for everyone else.

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  • Holistic
  • "What you are actually putting in your body"
  • Nourishing
  • Toxins
  • Hack
  • "They don't want you to know"
  • Greed/Profit
  • Organic/Natural
  • GMO

There are definitely plenty of others. Most of these terms simply indicate that you'll probably be paying extra for non-existent benefits or being told lies masquerading as truths. Feel Free to post any other ones you can think of below! I'd love to hear them!

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