Exercise? Diet? Both? or None?


Why do you exercise? Why do you go on a diet? or Why don't you even do either of the two?

Back then, I exercise to be fit and achieve society's ideal beach body look. I tried Keto Diet which I practiced not eating rice or any source of carbohydrates but decided to stop it when I discovered that it's used as a treatment for a particular disease. When I've read that carbohydrates are preferred by our bodies as fuel or energy source, I started eating rice and any source of carbs again without proper diet but I try not to overeat. I also jog once a week or once in a month but I tried doing it at least three times a week -- slowly.


Are you familiar with hormonal imbalance? I have it and that means I HAVE TO go on a healthy diet and exercise regularly because if not? It'll go worst like my brain won't produce a healthy share of "happy hormones" which would result to more mood swings, depressive feelings and much more to mention. I also experience this cystic acne -- yup, the bloody, watery, yellowish fluid contents. They're like time bombs that are waiting to pop on my skin, just waiting for their time to damage my skin and scar for a long time. According to a dermatologist, I should try not to be stressed so much and I was like, "what? I can't do that. I have bills to pay."

The bottom line is, people have different reasons why they go on a diet, go on exercise or even don't do either of the two. Majority of people might see exercising and dieting as a bandwagon but they might not know that it is a requirement for other people to live a healthy life or at least to live longer. Some people even see it as a semi-waste of time especially to busy people who prioritize work than fitness which I respect because it's our own life, it depends on us what path we'd like to go.

How about you?


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