#sixweekhealth Week Two Finalists (who should win 60 Steem?)

#sixweekhealth Week Two Finalists (we need your votes)

I cannot believe all of the amazing entries we had this week. It took me two hours just to cut down the list to forty entries, and I then spent another two hours trying to cut those forty entries down to just four. I failed!

With the help of the other judges, we've managed to get the final short list down to seven entries (I was originally aiming for four). Honestly Steemit, I need your help. I can't even get close to choosing between these seven amazing entries.

HERE is the original challenge for this week. There you'll find all of the rules and exactly what we were looking for from entries. I need your help now to vote for your favourite walk in the comments below. The entry with the most votes will receive 60 Steem!

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Get out, see stuff, live healthy.

However, I'm going to make things more interesting. Because there are now seven people competing for your votes, I'm going to add a second and third place prize. The post that comes second will win themselves 10 Steem and the post that comes third will win 5 Steem.

So to recap:

  • I need you to vote in the comments below by commenting the LETTER of the post you liked best.
  • The person with the most votes will win sixty Steem!
  • The second most voted for post will win ten Steem.
  • The third place post will win five Steem.

The Finalists for Week Two of the Six Week Health Challenge #sixweekhealth

To make this challenge work, we need your votes. These seven Steemians submitted walks to help inspire all of us to get healthy. Look at each walk or run and vote for your favourite in the comment section by commenting either A, B, C , D, E, F, or G. Entries are in order of the author's name.

Walk A

Explore the urban back streets of Berlin, Germany



Take a trip with @akashas as she explores the city of Berlin. I loved this entry because it showed a unique urban environment, showing us that walks can be interesting and beautiful, even if you can't get out in to nature. The photography was varied and I loved the arty shots of the graffiti down the back streets.

Walk B

Taking a jog around the beautiful Gordon's Bay, South Africa

Gordon's Bay.jpg


@chr7is takes us jogging around Gordon's Bay in South Africa. The scenery looks absolutely stunning with the mountains in the background and the beach and sea in the foreground. I also loved that Chris was out running with other people and was using his Pokémon GO app to keep him motivated!

Walk C

Run with me around Vienna, Austria

coco vienna.jpg


Some lovely night shots of Vienna in @co-co 's blog post here. Posts beautiful high resolution images and also shows us the run she did with a summary screenshot of her running app at the end!

Walk D

Talk a walk around Arad, Romania



The thing I loved about @missdeli 's post is that she put the time in to really customise her post - writing the start and finish of her walk on the pavement in chalk and showing us the details of her walk. It's a beautiful long piece with loads of interesting details and places that she visits.

Walk E

Huge night tour of Vienna, Austria



@street.yoga has done some amazing walks for this challenge. His dedication and involvement are amazing and this post just proves the effort he is going to for his health and to share health with others. A huge two and a half hour walk shows us many of the sights in Vienna!

Walk F

Galway, Ireland's wilder side!



Ireland has a long history and @totesmcgoat 's post shows us some of Galway's long past with some great shots of local castles, ruins and scenery. He also gives us a great history lesson about the history of the area and the buildings! Great entry.

Walk G

Enjoy the snow white scenery of Dnipro, Ukraine



@yatsuk.kostia has included some amazing photography of his run. The photos are breathtaking, I can't choose between which one I like most. The one with your feet in shot and a view over the city is awesome!


So once again, Steem, I need your help. Vote for your favourite walk by commenting A, B, C, D, E, F or G in the comments below. The Steemian with the most votes will win sixty Steem, second will win ten Steem and third will win five Steem! Voting closes at 9am GMT on Wendesday 7th of February.

Thank you for all of your entries. Don't worry if you didn't win or get short listed this week. There will be a new challenge going up for Week Three this weekend! Make sure you get involved as soon as it goes live! You can see from the entries here the quality of the competition so work hard, be creative and I can't wait to have you guys involved for Week Three!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben @healthsquared
#sixweekhealth #coachben

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