The profound beauty of fruit

We can instantaneously notice the alluring smell if we come over a properly-ripened fruit. The fruit attracts us not only by its favorable aroma, but also it’s beauty in all its shapes and colors. No wonder why fruit is found throughout history in so many famous paintings. 

Nothing in nature lives for itself 

Rivers don’t drink their own water

The sun doesn't shine for itself

And a tree doesn’t eat its own fruit

The fruit tree or vine want you to take the fruit so its seeds can be spread out in nature to expand the species of the plant. 

This is called a symbiotic relationship because there are two or more organisms helping each other for survival. We get perfect nutrition and hydration from eating fruit in return of spreading the seeds. It’s a win-win situation for both organisms, but also for the eco-system as a whole which benefits greatly from the increased amount of fruit trees.   

Based upon heartfelt values 

Fruitarianism is a way of eating, in which ethics, health and sustainability merge together - based on no harm principles, nourishment and cooperation between man and nature. 

Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better  - Albert Einstein 

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