Lose the fat - My KISS journey to lose the fat - Week 1

I want to lose some fat until I am happy with my body fat level again. Period.

I don't think there is a better way to keep yourself accountable than to start a Steemit account and blog the journey. What inspired me is a video on Youtube about Steemit where the author explains that nobody cares anyway, so I will get you guys (and girls?) hopefully interested.

I will include starting pictures, my diet plan, workout plan, the entire thing. I hope I can inspire and help some people this way to do the same thing. It is what I love doing so I will do it with this also. I will report my body weight in kg, if you need lbs simply multiply by 2.2, or simply ignore it and go with the pictures.

This is me after my workout last Monday (August 28 2017). This is after a nice 2 week vacation in Italy where I enjoyed a lot of pizza and ice cream!




Like I said I plan to KISS, so I will just follow 3 simple rules:

  1. Workout 3x per week with weights (Mo, We, Fr) with cardio.
  2. Ingest minimum 0,7 pounds of protein per lean pound of body weight. *
  3. Adjust kcal intake amount or increase cardio post workout until desired weekly body weight loss is achieved.

Starting point: 100 kcal post workout cardio, 6x a week 2000kcal (10 kcal/lb), 1x a week 2700 kcal to enjoy myself a bit. I know there is a lot of researching about refeeds and so on but I also just like eating a bit more sometimes.

I track my daily nutrition in an app called MyFitnessPal and track my workouts and daily bodyweight in excel. I use the weekly average body weight to determine if I need to adjust my kcal intake or cardio post workout. The desired weight loss is 1.5-2lbs per week.

The first 500 kcal of my day are pretty much always the same, which means I have left 1500/2200 kcal to fill in by my personal preference for that day. Notice the 100g protein shake that I sip on during the day in my excel below, which means I don't have to watch my protein intake the rest of the day. Super convenient, and I think this is most important :)

I use Intermittent Fasting because I simply think this is easier. It is very hard on your mind if you have to think about what you are going to eat all the time, so I just take that 500 kcal stack during the day starting at noon, and dinner varies. For the people who think it is not healthy, read Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris.

The excel for body weight and my plan looks like this:


For training I use ABA BAB ABA so 2 workouts only that I alternate. Each workout has 4 simple exercises, 3 sets each. I won't bother you guys with posting all that too every week, since that is not what will make the difference if you are new to this. I am doing this for people new to it, so I don't want to overwhelm you.

The workout looks like this for the people who wonder:

Weighted Chin Up
Deadlift RPT
Bent Over Flyes
Dumbell Curls

Incline Bench Press
Standing Press RPT
Rope Push Downs

Alright, that is it, hope you enjoyed reading it! I am planning to blog every Sunday from now on about my body fat loss journey from now on, except this Sunday. Reason being that I won't make any adjustments to my plan after 7 days since my initial weight loss will include some water weight and so on. See you in 9 days :)

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