Myths about fat burning

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Myths about fat burning


This time I will share information about a topic that is often of interest to many people: how to lose body fat. I will tell you what to do and what not to do, in this way we will break the most common myths.
When we talk about losing fat, everyone thinks about '' diet '', and they see it as a punishment. This should not be the case, the ideal is to create new eating habits, where the person is shown more healthy options and how to reduce those foods that make us so good.
Everything related here is through my own experience, and everything I have learned in my studies as a personal trainer.

Recomendaciones en el ámbito nutricional (2).png

  1. You should not make sudden changes in the feed, these should be done gradually. In this way, it will prevent the individual from leaving with the passage of days or weeks. By creating new habits and awareness of what we eat we can achieve great results. Eating well is a form of self-love.

  2. DO NOT make diets found on the internet or in magazines, the best option is to visit a nutritionist. They are the trained staff to create a meal plan according to your daily requirements.

  3. DO NOT skip meals, this is a big mistake. ''I stop eating to lose weight'', this in the long term brings consequences such as: the metabolism slows down and generates anxiety. The body is deprived of the necessary nutrients.
    It is common for people to skip breakfast because of lack of time or simply because "they are not hungry". It is proven that this produces more anxiety in the rest of the day, which will make you more hungry and more eager to eat. Even, these people are more likely to suffer from diabetes.
    Another very frequent error is ''do not dine to lose weigh ''. Many people think that dinner is fattening and it is not like that, we get fat when we exceed the calories we need.

  4. DO NOT eliminate any macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein, fats). Carbohydrates are those that provide us with energy in the body, you can not remove them completely from your food plan. Eating healthy is not about just eating chicken with vegetables, eating well goes much further.


When we learn to eat and we understand that we need it to nourish ourselves and have energy, that is where we are aware of what we eat every day. Those foods rich in fats, sugars and refined should be for once in a while, on those days when we want to give ourselves a taste.

Recomendaciones en el ámbito nutricional (3).png

  1. Do not spend hours and hours doing cardiovascular exercise, weight training is also important. And forget about the old myth that weights "harden" fat. It is recommended to work at 60% of the FMAX.

  2. If you attend the gym look for a qualified personal trainer to guide you and help you in your workouts.

  3. Training in hybrid circuits is recommended, combining an exercise of weights with a cardiovascular one.

  4. The group classes with great, they keep you motivated and fun. For example: Functional, dance, spinning or zumba classes, among others.


Losing body fat if possible doing things right, do not be discouraged. Do not fall in miracle pills, or reducing massages, or in belts that offer waist reduction. Anything that offers quick and effortless results is not recommended, run away from that. Invest in improving your diet, in physical activity, in a nutritionist and in a personal trainer to monitor your process.

With an adequate diet to your requirements you will have less risks of suffering a rebound effect, you will avoid anxiety and binge eating. Another important point, do not obsess over the balance, stop weighing yourself every day. The best way to follow your process is with the measurements of your waist, hips, arms and legs. In addition, it is recommended that you measure your percentage of fat through the folds through anthropometry.

When you achieve a caloric deficit you will burn fat, that is when you spend more calories than you consume. If this is achieved every day, the process will be a success. Finally, I recommend you stay hydrated and rest at night properly

This has been all for today, I hope you liked this information that I shared with you.
Say goodbye, Diana.

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