My way of tracking Macro-nutrients. And why you should

I'm going to show you my approach to tracking my macro-nutrients, Or "Macros for short". I'll also show you how to track yours and why you should.

Why should you track?

You may not see it immediately, but rather after some time, tracking your food will influence you to eat more beneficial foods. Each time you record a meal and you see the totals of what your intake is. You are less likely to over eat, Or binge on the junk food with empty calories. The simple act of tracking your food is very powerful in getting you to eat healthier.

My current goals

I consume whats known as a "Keto diet". Whats Keto you ask? If you don't know I would employ you to research it and see if you think it may be good for you.. I find it is a far more healthy way of eating than the current recommended "healthy balanced diets" that are so revered today. Keto can be very beneficial for many people.

Scientific studies show Keto or similar diets

  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Lowers triglyceride
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Improves overall cholesterol
  • Very effective for weight loss

I personally experience benefits of

  • More energy
  • Easier focus
  • Mood improvement
  • Clearer mind
  • Lower blood sugar
  • and Weight loss

Most individuals on a keto routine adhere to a particular percentage of macros – My personal goal Each day is
75% Fats 20% proteins 5% Carbs.
Tracking my food is a must if I'm going to meet this goal

Fat secret is the tool I use for tracking my Macros. They have a website and a mobile app to make it eaiser to access on the go. I find it the best and most simple to use. I have used others like my fitness pal and the like, But I feel fatsecret has the best user interface and simple solution for tracking.

Below is a screen shot of a single days entry into my food Diary. To enter a meal is very easy and doesn't take as much time as some of the other apps. You can save common foods that you eat, and make custom recipes. You can even connect with others on the same type of eating plan and share recipes.

Just above can see that It shows my daily calorie breakdown and how much of RDI is left for the day. All of which can be set to your personal preference.

Tracking Weight

Below is a screen shot of my weight history, the site also allows you to track and chart your weight loss progress towards your goal.

Don't wait!

Don't wait to start getting healthier, take a step today because life is short! Someone loves and looks up to you. Your already an example to someone. The question is are you a good example or a bad one? -Buzzard

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“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2 (NIV)

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