This Lives Inside All Out Bodies! Cleanse your body

This is inside of you!

In modern day society diets are often low in natural fibres and high in mucus producing foods such as
:Dairy, processed meat, potatoes, eggs, rice, and fats and low in fresh fruit and vegetables.
The drinks and drugs we take are extremely high in toxins from the instant coffee we drink to the recreational and pharmaceuticals drugs
When we talk about mucus producing foods, we mean that they tend to stimulate the digestive tract to produce more mucus, rather than mucus in the nasal passages.

However, a large number of people have a very mild immune system reaction to certain food proteins that resemble viruses to the immune system, mainly dairy and wheat, which may well lead to nasal congestion as well as
adverse immune system activity in the digestive tract, keeping to the point.

Such diets lead to more mucus being produced in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract.
The mucus can indeed be cleared away by pancreatic juices (from the pancreas) but mucus-forming foods form such a large proportion of mucus,
that the pancreatic juices are not effective in clearing it away. As the mucus and food particle solution passes through the intestines,
moisture is removed and absorbed back into the blood stream. As more moisture is removed and reabsorbed, the mucus becomes sticky and gluey.
In passing, it leaves a coating on the intestinal wall. Layer tends to dry out over time, compacting and hardening. Over the years, layer after layer of gluey faeces builds on the intestinal lining.
It gradually forms into a tough, rubbery, black substance (hardened faeces) which will be found in lumps in the corners of the intestinal tract, covering the walls and villi themselves.
This is known as 'mucoid plaque', and causes constipation, a reduction in the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall, and is a breeding ground for candida, harmful bacteria and parasites.

Toxins are absorbed into the mucoid plaque over time, including biotoxins and heavy metals.
The liver relies on the colon being clear in order to effectively eliminate toxins from the body through the digestive tract.
The build up of mucoid plaque and congestion in the colon (affecting the normal passage of stool) results in the build up of large amounts of toxins in the digestive tract.
Harmful micro-organism activity also produces additional toxins. The body tends to produce more mucin to try to wash away the mucoid plaque,
which mixes with the mucoid plaque to exacerbate the problem.
Low fibre diets slow down the movement of food in the GI tract and do not act to remove mucoid plaque and prevent mucoid plaque formation.

Stary cleaning your colon out now, by consuming more fruit and vegetables daily note you have to do this EVERYDAY!

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