Detox Diaries - 3 - Habitual Cravings.

Detox Diaries 3 Habitual Cravings.jpg

Why do I want the things that I cannot have!?

Have you ever done a cleanse? Dieted? Fasted? Detoxed your body in some way because you felt 'off?'

Since taking steps toward cleaning up my eating, (removing sugar in all its forms from my diet) it seems to me that I am craving the things that I can’t consume for the foreseeable future.

It seems that all I want is cheese, and chips, and something to drink that will take the edge off of my anxiously rambling mind.

Why do I choose things that are not healthy for me and my body?

My mind. My emotions.


I'm not doing this because I want to be skinnier, I'm doing this because I feel so much phlegm in my chest, my skin is easily irritated and itchy, I experience crippling bouts of insomnia, anxiety and depression ... and I'm certain, in my bones, that the reason why is because I'm consuming foods that I know aren't good for me. And I consume these foods that I know are not good for me because I use food to cope with my thoughts and emotions.


I'm scared to face what's behind this serious addiction to sugar. Without being able to distract myself with the happy hormones I get every time I eat and drink my favourite junk foods, I have to create those happy drugs in new ways...

But the old way is just so easy!
But the old way is not sustainable.

Thus, since I know I must change, I made a soup.

A curried butternut squash soup.

Like I said in my first post “I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to do this," but I'm already on my way.

Thanks for joining me on this detox journey. I need all the support I can get, and I hope to find some good nuggets of truth as I chip away at my defences and distractions here in the Detox Diaries.

I appreciate the up-vote, you're very kind.

Detox Diaries - 1 - Seeking Equilibrium.
Detox Diaries - 2 - Seriously Addicted.
Detox Diaries - 4 - Professional Help.
Detox Diaries - 5 - Dismantling Depression.

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