Finding Cheap Eats in Thailand with Travelgirl

Hi Everyone,

Coming Australia, everything in Thailand seemed to be a bargain (although less of a bargain from the last time I visited due to things getting more expensive). The thing that is quite noticeable will have to be food and drinks as we need to have at least 3 meals per day compared to shopping, we don't really need to do it every day. Getting a meal lunch meal in Sydney including a drink could set you back for at least $15AUD. In Bangkok, you can get that for half of that or less in most cases.

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The first "street" dinner was with many Steemians on the first night of opening drinks. We signed in and got our welcome backs and headed out for dinner. There were at least 15 of us. We came to a restaurant 10 mins walk from our hotel. They had seats inside with air con but due to our large group, we got two tables outside. It was evening but still hot and humid but remember this is Thailand. We were given a menu with simple English and we all ordered our meals. I ordered a seafood noodle soup with a chrysanthemum tea which was perfect for the weather. The meal all up costs $3.90. Such a great bargain though it is on the side of the street which is not a problem at all.

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The second meal which stood out was at Terminal 21. I wanted a quick snack type of food and didn't want to line up so found a Cantonese place that sold dumplings. Not sure why but that day I was craving for Cantonese food so quickly ordered a bowl of dumplings, added a marinated soy egg on the side and a roselle tea which we don't have often in Sydney. This place is inside the shopping centre with dedicated seating and air-con. It late lunch so there was no crowd and I was pretty comfortable where I was with a seating area. The food was delicious in particular the roselle water, nice and cold. The whole meal cost $7.70AUD by ordering the meal which was a better deal. You may think this is nearly double of the first meal but the seating was a lot more comfortable with aircon. The drink was a bigger size and they had really good service. Even though it was double from the meal mentioned previously, it is still more than half the price I normally pay in Sydney.






As you can see from the two comparisons, although one is double the price of the other, it is still more than half the price cheaper to eat in Sydney. The cost of living is too high here and I can understand why many Aussies move over to Thailand to have a more comfortable life.


animation by @catwomanteresa

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