Facts About American Food

I've decided to collect some facts about American food Vs Canadian food after traveling through the USA.

  1. The portion is huge.

In Canada, all portion of the meal is big, in USA (I am not talking about Cities such as New York or LA and some fancy restaurants), but in the regular cafe you can order the entree and share it between 2 people.


Do I have any Americans here? Any thoughts about it? I would appreciate your opinion.

I remember myself traveling in Cyprus - they also have a habit to bring with the main course as a side dish everything: potatoes, rice, vegetables (fresh or fried) and everything on the same plate. When I've asked the waiter the reason for bringing so much food, which nobody can finish, they told me, that the main cost in the price calculates from the labor cooking the dish. For them technically it doesn't matter how much side dishes they would put on the plate, because it wouldn't change the final cost significantly. But the client would be more happy and satisfied to get the meal with the huge portions and the great variety of side dishes (I hope the idea makes sense).

  1. They usually are asking about drinks before you had a chance to take a look at the menu. People usually know what they wanna drink, so they need the menu to decide what are they going to eat, not to drink.

Some cool photos about food from our last trip.

  • oysters shots


When I got this salad - I was laughing and couldn't stop to do it. I couldn't finish it - the portion was insane, the whole family might have it for dinner whole week =)


Now I have a question... What do you usually eat when you travel? Do you like to try new dishes and looking for the comfort food? Or you try to find something that you've already known? Share your thoughts please in the comments below!

guys @banjo & @cleverbot, what food do you like?

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