Recipe of Causa Lima

The Lima cause is a typical dish of Peruvian cuisine and its most characteristic ingredient is yellow potatoes. In we want to show you the traditional recipe prepared in a simple way so that you can prepare it at home without problems. Do you want to know how? Keep reading and take note of the steps to make your own Lima cause.

Steps to follow to make this recipe:
1To elaborate the mass of our Lima cause you must sanchocar the potatoes and crush them as if you wanted to make a puree with them. It is important that no lumps remain.

2 Once pureed, add the oil and mix well, until the dough becomes manageable and smooth. Then, pour the lemon juice, add the salt and pepper to taste and the yellow pepper and keep moving.

3When you have the compact and manageable mass, and do not fall apart, form a square, rectangular or round shape. To do this, you can spread the dough on a surface, giving it the thickness you consider, and cut the figures with molds or a glass.


4 Place the figure on the plate and on it a slice of hard-boiled egg and a botija olive. Then, cut the onion with a long and thin shape, season it with salt, lemon and a little olive oil and put it on the egg. Finally, close the cause with another layer of dough. This is a very simple and beautiful way to serve the Lima cause. As a decoration, you can place a lettuce leaf right next to the cause.

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