Buckwheat porridge riccota and spinache pie

Healthy, tasty, vegetarian & gluten free dish, that can be served hot, cold, as a side dish or as a main course with a crunchy salad on a side. You will need this ingredients:

500g buckwheat porridge
1-liter milk
3 eggs
200 grams of spinach
500 grams of ricotta
2 table spoons of yogurt sour cream
Olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, yogurt butter

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• Mix 500 grams of buckwheat porridge and 1 liter of milk. Season it with salt – lightly and cook it slowly for 20 minutes or until all milk is absorbed, then let it cool.

• Heat a small amount of olive oil in a large pan – use low heat and quickly sauté spinach leaves that you washed and dried beforehand – season it with garlic powder. Set aside to cool a bit, then mix in ricotta cheese. Season it with a pinch of salt and pepper.

• Mix yogurts sour cream and 3 eggs into a nice sauce and set aside for later.

• Grease up a cake mould or a pie pan with yogurt butter and fill it with half of cooled buckwheat porridge. Press the porridge in firmly – you don’t want it to break when it’s time to serve it. Pour half of eggs and cream sauce over it and let it absorb.

• Now it’s time for the ricotta spinach mixture. Layer it over and spreads it around.

• Finnish it off with the layer of buckwheat porridge that you’ve mixed with the remaining egg and cream sauce.

• If you wish you can top that last layer with buffalo mozzarella - I skipped that last step because I went full healthy, but wouldn’t mind it actually ;)

• Put it in a pre-heat oven and let it bake for 20 minutes on 180 degrees C

• Sprinkle with a little virgin olive oil and serve with a glass of chardonnay.

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