Amazing benefits of broccoli sprouts (+ growing guide!)

Reduced risk of cancer and depression

Broccoli sprouts contain up to 50 times more sulforafan than broccoli and are easy to grow at home in just a few days!

Sulforafan, among other things, reduces the risk of developing cancer according to researchers at John Hopkins University. One study also showed that sulforaphan is as effective in stress-deprived depression as the antidepressant drug Fluoxetine / Prozac. I got so interested when I first read these studies and decided to grow my own!

Broccoli sprouts are easy to grow and have a peppery flavor. They are tasty at the sandwich, salad or in a smoothie (the substance sulforafan is released when crushed).

Guide: How to grow your own broccoli sprouts at home

This is how I use to grow my sprouts step-by-step. Currently I'm also experimenting with LED-lights. But this way it's really easy to get your own super sprouts in just a few days.

You need a clean jar that lets through light and something that works like a fine mesh. I did not find anything good at the supermarket but at the pharmacy there was this sling in unbleached cotton weave that had big holes to let go of water but not the seeds. I made some small extra holes with a knife. Tighten the cloth with a rubber band.

You can also buy a growing kit, even if it's more expensive.

Pour the broccoli seeds in the jar, put on the cloth and rinse the seeds a few times. Fill the jar with water. Place the jar dark overnight. Rinse the seeds in the morning and allow the water to drain completely. Leave the jar in a dark place for 2-3 days and rinse the seeds 2-3 times a day. Rinsing is important in order not to start to ferment or form mold!

After the 2-3 days you will see that the seeds have begun to sprout. Keep the jar light and continue rinse morning and evening. In the photo you can see the jar on the left that I have just taken out of the dark. The jar on the right has been in the kitchen window for two days. After a couple of days in the light, the broccoli sprouts are ready to eat!

Good luck!

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