HEALTHY PANCAKES?? It IS possible! Healthy and delicious #1

Have you ever heard of protein pancakes? 

Today I will show you how I make my protein pancakes. This will be the first of a series of posts about fast prepared delicious healthy meals for fitness enthusiasts or just for people that like eating better food.

Fast food is the bane of today's world and a lot of people do not realise it but that is the cause for so many illnesses quite often even leading to death. It is never too late to fix your eating regime and cut out if not all at least a little bit of the bad food you put into your body. Everyone has a favourite meal that might be rather unhealthy - could be ice cream, sugary or chocolate deserts (I am all over these), fried foods.. etc. You can't cut all of them at once but you can find something to take their place in your diet that is similar but a lot healthier. 

Today I will  show you how to make pancakes.. not your regular ones though. These are protein pancakes - a bit more dry but very rich on protein and quite low on carbs. 



There are dozens of recipes our there for protein pancakes but this is how I make mine. You'll need: 

  1. 2 eggs
  2. 30g protein powder
  3. 15g spelt flour 
  4. 1.5 Table spoon of cottage cheese
  5. Banana/blue berries
  6. Milk - I use almond milk but semi skimmed or skimmed milk would do as well

Now the protein powder comes in the place of a normal flower, I do add some spelt organic flower on top of it though. It is quite easy for me to measure them with my scoop which is exactly 30g. If your protein powder is flavoured (mine is not) you might skip the fruits in the mix and just add them on the side after the pancake is done. If you don't want the yolk of the eggs, you can use egg whites instead (I do like my nutrition from the egg yolks though so I keep them in). If you do that you will need more than 2 egg whites though.

This amount will get you 2 to 3 pancakes depending on how thick they are and how big your pan is.


How to prepare

Well I think we all know how to prepare pancakes but lets sum it up really fast. Put the eggs in a round container and mix them up with the powders cottage cheese and the fruits. Stirring it up manually is a pain in the butt but if you don't have a mixer it works too. Add a little milk while blending just so you smooth the mixture a bit (I always eye that out but it should be around 30ml of milk, a fairly small amount). Once that is done get your pan on the oven warm it up and start making some pancakes.

It would take different amount of time to bake depending on how thick you made the pancakes. You can use one of them non-stick sprays on the pan before you put the mixture on, so your pancakes don't stick and break while flipping them.


Nutrition and additional ingredients you can use

The recipe I showed will leave you with 2-3 pancakes depending on thickness which will have the following nutritional values:

  • 481 cal
  • 51.3g protein
  • 13g fat
  • 40g carbs

As someone who trains 5 times a week I eat quite often and need quite a bit of food to sustain or grow. I eat 5-6 times a day and this for me is one normal meal. It is very rich in proteins and not too high on but enough fats and carbs.  

The pancakes end up quite dry though, they aren't your traditional greasy, thin ones that we all know. So there are a few things you can add on to them to make them even more enjoyable. I wont go crazy with these cause they add quite a bit on top of the nutritional values but a bit of honey on top would be great, or if you want a bit more fats, proteins and some extra calories added to it you can add a spoon of peanut butter ( this though will make it go to about 600 cal, with 35-40g fat). Put a fruit with it, if you used a flavoured protein shake you can always add some berries or a banana on the side (they won't add too much on top calories wise). 

And one last look at the final product! :-)


Hope you liked the post today! Try these out and see if you would like them. It isn't everyone's cup of tea but there is no harm in experimenting and finding your own way of making them. Lets eat healthy and enjoy life better and for longer! 

If you liked the post don't forget to follow for more, upvote for some support and comment with any questions or thoughts! Have a great week and see you again next time! 

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