A Dish for You: Cooking Tips


Come back to our sauce, after few minutes we are ready to put the meat inside the saucepan, let it brings color then put the 2 glasses of wine. Lets dry it up, we have to keep a good fire. When all the wine is gone its time to put the tomato sauce and the cloves. We are done, we have to mix our sauce to sometimes to guarantee a perfect cooking.

You can regulate with salt and pepper. Let the sauce cook about 3 hours on a small fire. If you see that the sauce dry too much you can add a bit of tomato sauce. Thats it after few attempts your sauce will be perfect and delightful.

2 clove,

First, you have to prepare the meat sauce, cause you need a lot of time to do it, if you want to do it properly, (3 or 4 hours). You can do this sauce in many ways and with different proportions of meats and vegetables. This is the best one. Youll need:

At this point we have the vegetables and the meats ready, we are almost done. Choose a big saucepan and put the oil on the bottom (3or 4 spoons), then light it up, Put onion Ray Ban Sunglass On Sale, carrots, celery and the 2 bay leafs.

1 celery,

2 carrots,

In the mean time you have to boil the potato with the peel in hot and salt water, obvious. When they are cooked, strain the potato and peel it. Then you have to mash it up. Let them cool a bit.

1 egg (optional, its easier to mix potato and flour),

We were lucky the day we traveled on the railroad, because it was a perfect day. There was not a cloud in the sky, and Mt. McKinley was there for us to see in all of her glory. As we looked out the windows of the domed cars on the railroad, enjoying our reindeer chili and other fun goodies to eat, you could not help but be in awe of this beautiful wilderness so pristine and untouched. It was spectacular in every sense of the word and then some. Our train ride was eight hours long and took us down through Wasilla and Anchorage, south through Girdwood and then on to Whittier where we boarded our ship for a 7-day southbound cruise on the same itinerary that Jim and I had taken on our first Alaska cruise in 2003.

To prepare the gnocchi you need:

100g sausage,

Thats it. We are ready to cook. Now you have to cut: carrots, celery and onion, at the end of the workyou have to see little pieces (better very small).

You can do it with an electric mixer or by hand, Ill do it by hands, helping my self with the two-handled chopping knife. You have to prepare the meats, or better,when you bought what you have choose to use, ask the butcher, if he could mince all of the meat, so you have a work less to do. You spare your time for something else.

2 bay leafs,

salt and pepper.

olive oil, salt, pepper.

Being that this cruise was later in the year than our last cruise, the sunlight in our days was a bit shorter than last time and more normal. It only stayed light until about 10:00 this time. Unfortunately, there was a storm in the Gulf of Alaska, and the Captain said it was not safe for us to try to navigate into College Fjord. So, we did not get to visit College Fjord on this cruise but instead enjoyed a day aboard the ship Fake Ray Bans, relaxing and sailing slowly down to Glacier Bay.We are having a really relaxing and wonderful cruise so far! After being in Monterey on Monday and having a great day with family, we had a relaxing day at sea on Tuesday. We didnt do much of anything except what grown ups are supposed to do on vacation nap!

100g bacon,

300g of flour,

1 onion,

500g pulp of beef,

Are you ready for my special recipe book, this is the beginning of my suggestions for your daily meals or something for special events. What will be the first recipe? I guess gnocchi al ragu, that means potato dumplings with ragout. Are you ready? This is one of the famous and tasty Italian recipes. I suggest you to prepare this plate only for few guests, I guess maximum six, if you want a perfect result, especially at the beginning. When youll improve your skills you can try for more people.

2 glasses of good red wine,

200g pulp of pig,

1l of tomato sauce,

1Kg of potato (better yellow potato) Oakley Sunglasses,

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