Solution for Neck Pain

It's the era of technology and use of gadgets like laptops,computers and smartphones is very common. We spend most of our time using one of these equipment so neck problem is very common these days.

Soreness, pain and difficulty in moving neck are common neck problems. Sometimes stiff neck doesn't need any kind of extraordinary solution for its cure as in some cases it is caused by simple muscle strain that heals on its own within few days. Sometimes this problem does not vanishes on its own because with the use of muscle at wrong position muscle get weaken.

Before finding the solution for these neck issues we must try to correct our posture of sitting while using smartphone and our laptops. We should also need to improve our sleeping habit sleeping on your stomach with your head on your pillows can become the cause of neck pain and it also put a lot of stress on your spine.

For getting rid of muscle stiffness we need to do muscle stretching of our stiff muscles like sternocleidomastoid, the levator scapulae and the upper trapezius.

For activating those muscles roll your shoulder forward and down. Another exercise is to move your shoulders blades down and together. Third exercise is to push your head backward and hold it there for 30 seconds. By following the above mentioned routine and by avoiding bad habits you will surely notice relief.

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