Believe it or not, fast food is ok for weight loss

I think that fast food joints get a bad rep and a lot of this is deserved. There is no denying that ideally, we would all get to eat home-made organic salads and steamed vegetables for every meal. But for most normies, this simply isn't possible. We are too busy or too lazy to prepare for this sort of thing every day of our lives.

Of course it would be better for you to not eat at Burger King or McD's but it's just so easy isn't it. In my diet that resulted in me losing more than 50 lbs in a year and keeping it off, guess what I had plenty of? Fast food. I still eat fast food several times a week and i'm here to tell you, that you can lose weight if you use fast food intelligently.

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Now I realize that there are a lot of things in most fast-food that are bad for you outside of what I am focusing on. Primarily I am referring to sodium when I say this. I have to admit that while I realize that sodium is bad in high amounts, I am not focusing on overall health, I am merely focusing on weight loss... we can get to health later but for most normies, the main focus at the start is going to be weight loss and if you can achieve that, your distancing yourself from obesity is probably going to outweigh the negative aspects of high sodium intake and therefore I think it is ok.

Also, if you are a fat, ass, the way that I was a fat-ass, then you are probably already eating fast-food anyway. You don't need to change that. You just need to change WHAT fast food you eat or more importantly, what you DON'T eat.

I lost all of that belly while enjoying a regular diet of KFC, Burger King, and McDonalds... it is possible

The main problem with fast food is the extremely high levels of carbohydrates, especially sugar, that is contained in a lot of their items. One sure-fire way of avoiding almost all of these carbs is to skip 2 items that are all but forced upon you when dining in most of these places: Fries and sugary drinks.

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When losing weight on the normie diet, carbohydrates are enemy number 1 and coca-cola and all the other sodas are absolutely loaded with them. Fries (chips), as much as I love them, are one of the "vegetables" in disguise that can destroy a diet. In my youth I was told that fries are bad because they are fried, but that isn't the case at all, they are bad (from a normie diet perspective) because they are loaded with carbs.

As much as it pains me and many others, the fries can not be a part of your diet anymore... but you know what can be? Almost all of the burgers.

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The Whopper is one of my favorite things to eat. it is filling, it has 30 grams of protein (which is what we are looking for) and this burger tips the carb scales at 49 grams, which is actually a bit too much. However, around 5 of those are from the ketchup. Ideally, this burger is not the best choice but if you wanted to be a carb-nazi the way that i was, you just ask for no ketchup and no bread. Then the carbs almost completely disappear. Bread is the enemy. You might feel like a weirdo eating a burger with no bread, but hey man! do you want to lose weight or not?

If you were the type of person that would get a value meal with fries and a coke anyway, and instead you just went for the whopper on its own, you are reducing your carbohydrate from over 200g to less than 50g. Your body will notice the difference and you still get to eat fast food.

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The best fast-food restaurant that is available pretty much everywhere in the world is KFC and I eat there on a regular basis. Get the original recipe and these pieces of chicken are from 6-11 grams of carbs per piece. They are also loaded with protein, which is what we are looking for.

So go ahead and continue to eat at fast-food restaurants, I did and it worked out for me. This idea that we have to eliminate all good tasting things in order to lose weight is nonsense, and it leads most people to quit trying.


I am not a weight-loss professional / nutritionist / or trainer. I am merely recounting the steps i took and choices I made that resulted in me losing over 50 lbs in a year and keeping it off. I believe it will work for other people as well

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