Getting and Staying Lean with Seafood and Supplments


Getting in shape is hard. Eating healthfully to lower body fat, and improve health vitals across the board, is one of the hardest yet most rewarding choice an individual can make for herself. Staying in shape during the holidays... is no small feat, either, for anyone. Getting and staying lean are not easy for me, but as the years have gone by, I’ve learned some things that work for my body. Note: we are all different, inside and out. 💯

One thing I’ve done differently this year is gone the way of seafood 🐟🍤. After eating chicken multiple times daily for so many years, it’s now been at least 8 months since my last bird. My digestion is a lot smoother and faster, and I feel it’s been easier to stay leaner. The body treats fish protein differently than land-animal protein. It’s been said that a diet of fish only for 30 days will lose more bodyfat than any other “dieting” method alone. Favorites include shrimp, orange roughy, scallops, tuna, and salmon (on occasion).


Fish freaks a lot of people out, but there’s a good choice for everyone. It’s more of a mental switch than anything else. Lemon and mustard go along way... and that’s the most basic preparation. Jalapeños are also awesome for those who can tolerate. Same with garlic and pepper if you’re lucky enough to not be allergic...

Other “tips” include sporadic fasted trainings and occasional caloric deficits. Not often, but once or twice a week, keeping carbs lower helps the body to burn extra stores of fat. I’ll train upper body muscles fasted (as shown) or do a quick cardio circuit with machines before a shortened cardio session. This is great the day following a cheat meal.


Supplements. Big believer in EAAs over bcaas and hmb before and after all trainings to minimize catabolic activity. Tons of glutamine for the gut and probiotics and greens, too.

Good luck! Please keep me posted and post what you’d like me to write about next!

With enthusiasm and gratitude,


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