Common Errors made while attempting Fat loss and how to avoid them! Part 2/3

Common Errors made while attempting Fat loss and how to avoid them! Part 2/3


  • Starving to overcompensate for poor eating days prior. This will only lead to binge behavior later at night. It may take a few days for the metabolism to respond, but it will, and one's hard efforts to lose weight in days prior will be demolished by multiple late night binges, often on high fat and high sugar foods like peanut butter or ice cream. Don't keep those items in the house, and if you have one "bad" day on your meal plan, try to just keep going instead of drastically cutting calories for the next few days. It is okay to cut two days by 200 calories, but any more than that will lead to even worse repercussions.


  • Relying on weight loss supplements or diet foods. Some supplements are definitely helpful, but they make your 99% effort turn into 100%, rather than 30% effort into 100. If your diet and training are not on point, the supplements are a total waste of money. Even if they are on point, great supplements are few and far between. More on this in other articles.


  • Estimating caloric intake by eye. Use a scale and measure by weight, and not by volume. Measuring cups are not fool proof. Even if you've been dieting for many years, and you find yourself in a plateau, drag out that scale again. You may have gotten off track and a bit more generous with your servings - I have been there, absolutely. This is very common and easy to fix.


  • Changing the process mid plan. Just. Stick. To. It. Weigh will fluctuate do to water levels, chewing gum and natural hormonal rhythms. Don't throw in the towel or make any crazy changes unless your plan calls for these changes. It will work out. Trust the process. It exists so that you don't have to think.


  • Taking accountability photos or measurements at different times of day or week. Be consistent. It doesn’t matter when one weighs in, as long as it’s under the same circumstances each time. Similarly with the tape measure: same conditions, same placement, same measuring tool.

Whatever the challenge, you CAN do it. Each of us faces unique obstacles. Each of us makes choices each day. Even if one falls off the bandwagon one day, all is not lost. There is always the next minute, the next hour, the next day to improve and course correct. It is never too late to reinvent oneself and live best life.

With enthusiasm and positive vibrations,


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