Common Errors made while attempting fat loss... and how to avoid them! Part 1/3

Common Errors made while attempting fat loss... and how to avoid them! Part 1/3


Effective methods for fat loss (proper nutrition and training) are simple, but far from easy. There are many ditches one can find oneself in, if one is not extra mindful. The following list outlines a few common errors experienced by individuals trying to improve one's fitness level. If one finds oneself in a plateau, make sure the common mistakes listed below aren't sneaking their way into one's daily efforts...


  • measuring output by machines or estimation. The calorie counts on any machine are entirely inaccurate, unless everything about an individual is totally average. There is no way to estimate body fat level, fitness level, or rate of perceived exertion. Ignore these metrics! They will mislead you, only. Instead, focus on INPUTS: calories in, and effective workouts.

  • Reverting to old habits once weight is lost. That Tasty Fry sneak cheat meal every other day will start to make the scale go north again after you've worked so hard to see the numbers drop. Cut the habits for good and choose meals that nourish your body's needs. After "ruining" one's diet and digestive function enough times, that style of "I hate myself" eating becomes a lot less interesting.


  • Granting emotional rewards through cheat meals. Having a burger and fries once a week, once one had reached her goals, is acceptable, if she feels totally depleted and her weight continues to drop. If cheat meals become the be-all end-all to happiness, consider separating food from emotionality. This is easier said than done. This society breeds emotional gratification from food, instantly and overindulgently, creating obesity and heart disease in young populations. Being fit is a lifestyle, there are no quick fixes. This one is tough, but absolutely doable over time. Practice makes improvement. Sometimes it helps to say to oneself in the mirror, my self worth is not found in a number on a scale, and my happiness is not on the other side of ten cheesy enchiladas.


  • Trying to out train ones diet. No amount of cardio or squats can outdo a daily surplus of 5,000 calories. The calories will win and body-fat wil accumulate, no matter how hard one trains. This is a sad truth for those who really enjoy food and also enjoy training. Training is amazing, but if one wants to develop a cut physique, diet must be on point, and must usually be in a deficit for muscles to appear with low body-fat - especially the abdominals. This isn't to say that hard training doesn't warrant food for fuel, but cheat meals on the reg will lead to higher than optimal body fat levels, leaving one feeling discouraged. Keeping track of one's intake, every single day, breeds a pattern of success and accountability. Plus, it becomes easier over time and helps to make healthier choices in general.

Stay tuned for part 2 later this week!

With love and enthusiasm,


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