Fitness, healthy living, and long bike rides!

An active lifestyle is something I genuinely enjoy. I took on the fitness lifestyle back in my college days not because I just wanted to "work out" but I needed an outlet for my stress. Fast forward 10 years later and I'm happy to say that despite the everyday hustle and bustle of my personal and work life, I've managed to stay pretty consistent through the years. I am not a personal trainer by trade but my passion for it has allowed me to bring a positive influence to friends and family. As an example, last year I started training one of my high school buddies in long distance cycling. He never did any sports in high school or college nor was he about the "gym life," but he always wanted to do something that was active, fun, and healthy. One day he reached out to me after seeing my post on Instagram doing a 100 mile bike event, also known as a Fondo. He told me he'd like to get a 100 miles under his belt one day and I responded with "training starts tomorrow!" Ever since then not only have we become close training partners but even better friends. We've fed off each other's motivation and it's only getting more infectious as we slowly bring more people in the cycling scene.

Living a healthy lifestyle has taught me that one of our greatest investments is ourselves. This may sound cliché but if we can take care of our minds and bodies, our minds and bodies can help us take care of anything. We can share our knowledge, experience, motivation, and camaraderie with anyone willing to take on a positive lifestyle.

Do you have any health and fitness stories you'd like to share? Can you suggest any creative ways to maintain and a healthy and active lifestyle? If so, please share! I'm always willing to learn and pass on the knowledge!

Below are a few pics from our most recent bike ride from North Jersey all the way into the downtown New York City!


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