GET BIG! It´s bulking time

It´s time to get big! During the bulk phase, you’ve got to gorge on more calories that you burn every day to make gains. People no longer strive to be super slim, they want to be strong and shapely and this is why bulking is so important among the fitness community. When you are bulking correctly, you may be increasing your body fat but more importantly, you are building muscles at the same time. If you have a lot of excess fat-loss plan first. You need to be in a relatively good shape in the first place. If you want to bulk, increase your calorie intake so that your muscles burn your usual amount, then the additional intake (calorie excess) is going to nourish the muscle fibre and build muscle.!! YES- You can definitely bulk up and burn fat at the same time!!

It is very important to take it slowly, don’t rush into your bulking season because you will end up building too much fat and not enough muscle.
-The best way to build muscle fast? -lift weights-cardio training will not build muscle fast. Nutrition Is also key here. If you do not eat, your muscle mass won’t develop, because you are not giving it the fuel it needs.

-Aim for at least four weight training sessions per week. Instead of doing a lot of repetition, you do less reps but with heavier weight and a longer rest period in-between sets (1-2 mins) so that your muscles have time to get oxygen back and recover. Training session shouldn’t be longer than 1 or 1 ½ hr.
-Your diet needs to be clean with lots of good quality proteins-slow releasing carbs and fats. If you want to have an idea of what to eat, download our free 6 week meal plan and see your results coming slowly but surely! Try it!

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