The Fasting Lifestyle - 7 Day Fast Blog | Day 5 | 120 Hour Update

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In triple digit territory now, which means the storm has been braved. It doesn't take serious effort any more to stay fasted right now (assuming you have a healthy amount of fat to lose it shouldn't at least). It really becomes a matter of how I'm feeling and how I'm performing mentally, to which I can say I have no complaints at the moment for either.

The hunger pangs are mostly gone, and the shift now is on highly intense focused work. I feel primed to get a lot done, and went through an enormous amount of material today. Best of all, the clarity has been highly essential in producing breakthrough moments in problem solving some heuristic obstacles I was having. I've been able to think more logically, visualize better, and arrive at deeper insights that have led to solutions.

Today, @primal-buddhist shared with me a relic called The Fasting Cure. It had some strong empirical analysis, which actually parallels a lot of my experience as far as physical and mental performance is concerned. The medical advice is naturally quite suspect given the time period - advocating for a milk cleanse and other unsubstantiated theories, so I wouldn't read super far into that aspect of the book. I'll give it enough merit not to try to a persimmon when breaking the fast as it suggests. I found it insightful, despite its age and flaws in certain areas.

I may consider going for longer than 7 days. If I'm feeling great come Monday morning I probably will. I have a decent amount of fat to least a good 15 pounds before I'm getting into risky territory, might as well kill two birds with one stone. I entered this with the intention of just doing a cleanse and improving work productivity for a bit, which by all accounts has gone well, but getting to my ideal body weight with really low effort sounds perfect so why not?

I'm not going to extend it just yet, still will wait and see, but 80% chance we're going for another week come Monday if I feel as good as I do now.

I'll have some community engagement ideas I'm exploring, I'll probably talk about them on Sunday. It would be awesome to have others fasting and seeing the tremendous benefits of this amazing unpracticed natural process, so I well intend to push it as much as possible on steemit through commitment rewards and so forth.

Any questions, concerns, topics you want me to talk about as always feel free to bring them up in the comments.

all the best ~

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Dr. Jason Fung

Dr. Valter Longo

Dr. Rhonda Patrick

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