The Fasting Lifestyle - 7 Day Fast Blog | Day 2 | 48 Hour Update

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As you can tell by this totally first rate original illustration, we're in business.

The fast went well today - 48 hrs in and no problems or slip ups yet, but I didn't get quite as much done as I would of liked.

I'm still satisfied overall with how the day went considering I handled what I needed to get done with regards to business, just didn't get ahead as I had planned to.

Outside of that, I was fairly active today on Steemit. Furthermore, I went on a few walks around the clock and manage to log about 2 hours. Lastly, I got through sections 1.1 and 1.2 of Intro to Programming in Java which was super awesome. For the rest of the night I'll be planning out tomorrow, going through some new Korean words on Lingq, and otherwise taking it pretty easy.

So I did weight myself just out of curiosity and I'm sitting right around 200 lbs right now, my ideal (~12% bf) being about 175. I'm thinking I'll end up around 195 at the end. I could always go for two weeks, but one week is pretty risk free and more reasonable to approach given the longest I've done in the past is 4 days.

In any case, like I said in the 24 hr post, it isn't really my focus. It's a nice added perk, but I rather not get distracted by it. I just know people are interested in it so I figured I'd keep loose track of it - I'll weigh myself at the end as well. I believe most basically lose 3/4ths - 1.25 pounds a day given depending on activity level and other miscellaneous factors. It is great for breaking through a plateau, but ultimately you'll put it all right back on quickly if you don't change your diet and mindset.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish


I feel like this is more relevant than ever now! Obviously the phrase isn't meant to be taken quite so literally, but I do find it a rather relevant mantra. It suffices as encouragement and reflects the main reason I'm incorporating fasting as part of my lifestyle - to embrace risk, stay out of my comfort zone, and partake in The Strenuous Life as Theodore Roosevelt once said.

I had a suspicion Steve Jobs fasted, given his history with traveling to india and an interest in their culture/pervasive religions of that region that practice fasting.

funny little snippit from the article where they talk his diet and ketosis as a dangerous condition -

The agony and the ecstasy of fasting. Jobs would sometimes turn to fasting to create feelings of euphoria and ecstasy. What he was most likely experiencing was something called ketosis, which develops after a period of fasting and can lead to mild euphoria. When you're eating normally, glucose is the body's primary energy source, Zied explains. But when you're fasting, your body creates small chemicals called ketones that act as a substitute for glucose, and can be used for energy by most body cells. "If your body makes more ketones than it needs to create energy, a dangerous condition called ketosis develops," Zied says. "This increases the loss of sodium and water from the body and can contribute to nausea, weakness, fatigue."

I can't even dignity that statement with a response other than laughter really.

Day 3, Full Sail!

Day 4 in particular is the hardest judging from my own experience and what I've read, so I'll try to give insight into how I plan on getting through it this time. I expect Day 3 to not be that bad, but I'll try to record hunger pangs and how I respond to them tomorrow.

My general advice ultimately is stay busy. Outside of that, drinking plenty of water(but not too much to rapidly deplete electrolytes!) is an obvious but important part of it. Decaffeinated black coffee is supposed to be good, so may experiment with that. We'll talk about mineral supplements and salt tomorrow.

Oh, and when the pangs do feel intense, go for a walk/light jog. It takes food off your mind (maybe avoid restaurant areas) and gives you a much needed reset.

Thank you for stopping by! Any questions or qualms about what's going here? go ahead and ask ~


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Extended Reading

(I'll update these links probably tmrw as well with more info and a bit more neatly presented)

Jason Fung and Valter Longo are your main windows in this world. I'll compile a lot of the pertinent information at the conclusion of this fast as I'll be encouraging others to join me, for now I'll leave you with some food for thought -

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