An easy dietary change for better health.

While I was holidaying in Thailand a few years ago I was waiting for my wife to finish a dental appointment and got to chatting to a guy about health related issues. He told me about Himalayan salt and how he gargles with it every morning.

Nutrition & health has been an area I have taken a great deal of great interest in over recent years so I was thankful for his tip. I have never taken conventional refined salt in my meals since that time.

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The benefits of Himalayan salt are many:-

Less sodium consumed per serving.

High mineral content: It contains more than 80 natural minerals and elements that are essential to health and bone building.

Digestion: Himalayan pink salt can help with the absorption of vital nutrients through the walls of the intestines.

Blood pressure: It has been proven to help lower your pressure dramatically, while at the same time stimulating better circulation.

Helps maintain a healthy ph range.

Water retention: Consuming salt can help to naturally maintain water levels in the body lost throughout the day.

Ageing: Himalayan pink salt is believed to help slow the signs of ageing.

Digestion: Himalayan pink salt can help with the absorption of vital nutrients through the walls of the intestines. The chances of developing kidney stones as well as gall bladder stones are greatly reduced.

To make a Himalayan salt-mouthwash, add half of a teaspoon of finely granulated Himalayan pink salt to one cup of warm water and mix. It promotes a healthy mouth.

Himalayan Salt is readily available in all supermarkets so is a really easy switch to make and well worthwhile to improve your health and diet.

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