My 44th Birthday :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (137/366)


It's been a warm but very cloudy and humid day today. The temperature was 28°C, and in the late Afternoon and Evening we got some thunderstorms.

In ther morning Miro and I went for his checkup, and visited the library to return a book that was late. We also stayed for a while in the library café. Miro amazed me by eating a whole baguette with mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes. I didn't think he'd be brave enough, especially with those tomatoes. (He is a bit picky after all... Like most kids his age I think.)

In noon, though we heard a very loud "BANG" that shook the whole building and rattled our windows. We thought there had been an explosion at the nearby power plant, but later found out the army had been playing marine war games, and one of the F18 fighterjets had done a supersonic fly-over over Lahti when it was returning to its base in Turku.

What we heard was the shockwave in its wake, when it flew over. It was heard all over the town, as people over 25km apart could hear the same sonic boom.

Anyway... We had some cheese cake today, here's the cake:

The cake was excellent!

Later in the Evening I went outside with Ninnu, and here are some shots I took with my smartphone.

It was raining. But it was still warm.

It was a fun day.

Maybe I'll take the boys out for a photo walk one of these days. The Summer has been quite nice for a change.

See ya later!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #19
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #18
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #17
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #16
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #15

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