More forest photos with Ninnu :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (132/366)


(Finnish bastardization of Italian "Ciao". Means pretty much the same.)

Well I took my longer lens with me when Ninnu and I went for a walkabout in the forest.

Here are some photos:

I've been wanting to clean up my hard drives from extra fluff for ages now, and since it seems I'm actually finally reaching up to the top capacity of 4TB. Either I need to find myself a new harddisk (external backup or expand the internal hdd) to store my data on, or just delete most of it.

Not sure what I should do though. Backups would always be nice, but I don't know how reliable they are, since I already lost one 1TB backup disk few years back.

Yep. Hard choices.

See ya later guys!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #18
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #17
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #16
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #15
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #14

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