Weekly and Fresh 📸 (18/52)

Hi Hive!

18 weeks behind us!

It feels like we've already accomplished a feat. About a third of a year has already passed since I started my new photo project.

A lot of things have been going on in the world on this week. There was much police brutality, followed by a lot of protests, riots and looting and killing. The whole subject is so absurd I don't even want to touch it.

All I want to say is people stop killing your fellow human beings, no matter what kind of skin they are in!

Okay, I said it.

Now onto other things. The SpaceX launch was last week, and thank goodness it was successful. It'd been a real shame if it'd gone bad. Good thing the astronauts made it to space.

The launch spawned quite a many flat-earthers on Twitter, so I spent quite a lot of time arguing with them.

Yep, but I did have time for some photos too.

So without further ado...

Here are the posts made in #DailyAndFresh last week:


Smartphone photo of the forest 📷


The moon, and my clash with the Flat Earthers 📷


A viola and coriander 📷


Some photos taken with my smartphone 📷


More smartphone photos 📷


Vispipuuro // Whipped porridge 📷


Green and soothingly dark places 📷

See you again soon!

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