More smartphone photos :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (124/366)

Hyvää iltaa!

("Hyvää iltaa" means "good evening".)

Dog walks seem to have become my go-to for photos these days. 😅

When you are taking photos, you'll eventually have days when you hit a rut, and there's a blockage preventing you from actually getting your creative juices flowing.

Those are the days you should not even try. I'm just saying. If you don't try, you'll not get frustrated for no reason either.

It doesn't mean you should stop doing whatever you are committed doing. You should take it easy, and just leave the camera home. You always have your mobile phone with you, so if you see something you like, you can still take a snapshot. Maybe you can come back with your camera one day and take that one-in-a-thousand photo then. Or maybe not.

Now that I haven't taken my camera with me, there have been a couple of times I've had a chance to ogle beautiful birds up close, but without being able to shoot photos. Smartphone isn't the tool for that. But at least I now know where to find them.

Yep. I think that's that. I'll put some smartphone photos here. These are kind of landscapes, not close-ups.





It's very green now that Summer is here.

I'll go take Ninnu out for a walk now, but I'll be coming back again tomorrow.
If all goes well, I'll have had some good rest.

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #17
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #16
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #15
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #14
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #13

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