Kangaroo steaks :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (91/366)


Today was Vappu, "May Day", the International workers' day, and to have a bit of fun, we had a nice dinner with kangaroo steaks in red wine sauce, green beans, champignons, and steakhouse fries.

Earlier this week I was doing the groceries, and Vera told me to get "some" meat, and since I had noticed them in our local Lidl, I made a little bit of an ex-tempore purchase and bought two packs of kangaroo meat.

Vera was at first a bit angry at me for choosing such an exotic meat product. But eventually we pulled it off and this dish was born:

Medium cooked, the meat was pretty good, a little bit livery, but juicy. Somewhat harder to chew but not too tough. Close to beef. It wasn't as gamy as I had earlier thought.

The red wine we used for the sauce and later with the dish, was Chilean Santa Cecilia Cabernet Sauvignon.

Vera deep fried more of those Munkki donuts, and we had them as a dessert with some sima.

Well it was fun, but I missed one traditional dish this Vappu because due to the pandemic, we couldn't go to the markets to get them. It's the fried vendace they serve at the markets. I'm a bit addicted to them, and eating them outside at the market is kind of the authentic way.

But there's always the next Vappu, and of course whenever we are at the markets in the Summer, we can get them even if there are no festivities.

But hey. I'll see you in the next one! Have a fun May Day! (Ours has passed 2 minutes ago I see.)

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #12
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #11
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8

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