Vappuaatto // May Day vigil dinner :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (90/366)


It was the May Day vigil today, Vappu is tomorrow!

(And I was a bit tired when posting, so I completely managed to mess up and use the wrong tags and title. Everything's corrected now.)

We had some simple food for dinner, just wiener sausages. But the potato salad was home made. And boy was it good!

Wiener sausages, potato salad, and sima.

If you look very carefully, you will see a raisin in the sima. Sima is often made with raisins.

We actually wanted to have greens on the plate, but sadly we had forgotten to resupply. Anyway, it was good nevertheless.

After dinner, we had some dessert.

Chopped banana pieces in a batter.

Looks like it's going to be great.

Deep frying them...

The resulting deep-fried bananas.

We had them hot on some cold vanilla ice cream.


Well I'll be going now. I didn't sleep much last night after all, so I think I need to stock on some sleep for a change.

See you Tomorrow!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #12
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #11
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #10
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #9
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #8

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