Working Title (MSP Creative Writing Curation)


The question has always been the same:
What is beyond of?
The overriding curiosity
imagine that there may be mountains,

Que Hay Mas Alla by @vickaboleyn is originally written in Spanish, but worth the small effort of translating for english speakers as well. I especially like her ending, which is thoughtful considering the pandemic.


I will pen
down a dirge,
to keep me company
as my end nears.

Sadcasm by @aduragbemi is ultimately a sad imagining of death, that ends on a joyful note.


I require access to your nervous system. Do you accept it?

The Dawn of Consciousness in the Caves of Tassili n Ajjer by @satorid breaks the fourth wall as they freewrite a surreal deep dive into the origins of consciousness.


It started simply, just some razors for protection. An inch of sharpened DuraSteel™️©️®️embedded under each fingernail, a little bit of flesh removed to make space for them and their sheath.

Transformation and Metamorphoses by @makesomething is a fascinating look at how body alterations become and addiction and a black hole that one falls into.


I often walked to a clearing in the woods, to a place known as The Spot. There, I never felt alone. Someone had died there, right there in the clearing just off the path, by his own hand.

The Spot by @jayna is a piece of flash fiction that explores what is left of a person after they've ended their life.

Art is sourced from the respective posts
Reflections by Sunravelme

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