Manifestation: Set the right Mind, and the right Vibes - with Laughter!

It's been a little while since I've written anything in my Manifestation series.
The reason for this is that I wasn't in the right mindset.
With my eldest daughter leaving, and the financial issues that I'm facing at this time, it was hard to keep up the good vibes.
It's easy to go down the low vibrational road when things don't go as one hopes.
As I found out the hard way.

However, being in a lower vibration is not a good thing to do, and it's just not me! After some struggles years ago, partly dealing with some depression, partly with life kicking me in the butt, I've managed to drag myself out of that hole, and I swore I'd never let myself go there again. Ever.


So I worked very hard to keep a positive attitude, and a more than positive outlook on life. Lately, life has been kicking me in the butt again.
But this time, I recognize it for what it is: a lesson.
It's telling me to look inwards. Take a step back and instead of wallowing over what I don't have, appreciate what I do have.

And then there is something else I did, to get myself back to myself, and back on track. I will tell you all about it. So let's go!



Taking your mind off things

It's easy to say that someone should look at the bright side of things, but it's much harder to do in a lot of cases.
In my case: the pool is right in front of the door, so why not take advantage of it?

When we first moved to Mexico, I swam almost every day.
Then I started working more, and harder, and just couldn't get myself to hop in that pool. That's where things went wrong.

So here, in the new house, with an amazing pool just in front of the door, I am now making time every day. I only just started a few days ago but I'm planning to continue.
I don't feel the need to do 40 laps each and every day, which takes some of the stress away. If I do, that's great. If I don't and just feel like floating around in the water for a bit, then that's great too.
Sometimes I even meditate in the water, while I float. It's amazing!
It helps me get my mind back on the right track, and not worry so much.
And aside from that, it's good fun!


Spend time with friends

A few days ago, I met a friend who I hadn't seen in a while.
Every time we meet, we tell each other we should meet up, and then we never do.
So when I saw her again recently, we made plans right away.
That way, we knew it'd happen.
So I went to see her yesterday. We had a bit of great food at her house, a nice chat, and a few laughs. Right before I left, she gave me a bunch of food someone
gave her, obviously meant for plant-based eaters, and she wasn't using. I happily accepted the items, as I wouldn't be able to afford these now.
And on top of that, she's giving me the second bicycle that she's not using.
Now only one of the kids doesn't have a bicycle yet.
So on top of a lovely evening with a friend, I also got some unexpected gifts.
It's amazing how things can go if you just let things flow!


Laughter is the best medicine

It truly is! The other day, I just wasn't feeling it. At all.
Everything I did felt like a chore. On top of that it was around 34 degrees Celsius here, and even with two fans constantly blowing, there seemed to be no relief from the heat. I felt my energy flow out of me without me even doing much!

I opened up the laptop to at least get some work done but things just didn't flow. I didn't know what to write, what to talk about, it was all just one big UGH!
There's really no other way to describe it.
At that moment, all I wanted to do is just curl up into a ball and sleep.
So after reading a few mails on Listnerds, reading a few posts, and half-heartedly commenting, I gave up.
Those moments seem to be the ones that will give me something to work with because as I was clicking on all my open tabs to see whether I should close them, my eye fell on a video with Henry Rollins doing stand-up.
That I had to see. I knew he'd done comedy before but I'd never seen it, as I liked to see him as an extremely bad singer with not-so-bad music.
But since I wasn't going to do much else, I decided to give it a go.
I could always turn it off...

I wasn't disappointed and actually laughed quite a bit.
It instantly put me in a different mood, and slowly I regained some of that lost energy.
Now, we don't all have to run to Henry for a laugh but comedy is easy to find online, so why not take advantage of that?

Back in Ireland, I used to listen to comedy in the long drives in the car when I was working. It's good to keep you in the right mindset.

Tricks that work!

So these things above work for me to get myself back on track. Out of a slump. Even out of writer's block sometimes too (although that often goes a bit deeper).

If I get the feeling that I'm losing grip, losing control of my life, having a good laugh, a good work-out or a float around in the water absolutely help to get back to myself.

This bit of 'down-time' that I had the other day actually inspired me to get myself a yoga mat and start doing work-outs on my rooftop. I have an amazingly beautiful view there, and a soft ocean breeze so why not use it?

Anyway, I'm sure you understand what I mean.

I will leave you with the clip of Henry Rollins that I was watching.



To catch up on the previous posts on the Manifestation series, check here:


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