Manifestation: The Moon & Gratitude

Hello & good day my dear Hive friends!
Yesterday was a full moon, and not just any full moon but the strawberry full moon. This has nothing to do with how we perceive its color at this time but with the fact that in many places, June is the time for Strawberry harvest.
Out of all the fruits and berries, strawberries are my favorites because aside from being tasty, they also have amazing health benefits. It will be the first thing we're going to grow in our new home.


But back to the moon...

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Yesterday afternoon I met with @lisamariesworld and @thatscooterguy to answer a few questions they had about Hive & Listnerds. I love this the most: the personal contact I have with people I know that I brought to the chain. So I want them to succeed. Not only that: I want them to love it!
Anyway, we had some lunch at one of my favorite places here in Playa (Peace & Bowl) and talked about other things than Hive too.


I think we all agreed that more people search for healing in the world now more than ever, and that this healing needs to happen on a larger scale. One on one isn't enough. I won't get into the details exactly but that was part of our conversation. Then Lisa-Marie kindly invited me to come to a Full moon healing ceremony that she was going to do that evening, and at first, my mind happily accepted. Once we left the restaurant, I went on my way through town on the bicycle because I had to visit one of the vegetable shops. Somehow, after that shop, my energy had drained from a full 100% to about 20%. Wow.

I know that everything happens for a reason, and that my body will know when to go on and when to stop. So I sent a message to decline the offer, but with gratitude since I absolutely love spur of the moment invites like that, and feel blessed to have all these amazing people in my life.


I cycled home. This is something I really enjoy. In Holland, or Ireland, I never really loved cycling that much, I rather walked.
But these days, I enjoy both. Maybe it has something to do with that, here, the wind is not as strong all the time, and rain isn't lashing into your face 80% of the time.
Cycling gives a bit more freedom I think.

So I was feeling immense gratitude, cycling while the breeze hit my face and cooled my body, just for being alive and in this tropical paradise.
On the bicycle, with a big smile on my face.
In Ireland or the Netherlands, this would raise eyebrows...
Here, it's met with smiles back.
Another thing to feel grateful for.
The positive attitude of the local people.

A Surprise Full Moon Ceremony

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I got home and started on dinner right away. Since I was tired, I didn't want to drag things out. I had decided to make a raw plant based lasagna.
Which is absolutely amazing (I'll get to the recipe in another post hehe).
It's light food so you don't feel drained after eating it.

The food gave me some of that energy back.
I walked outside to have a little moment at the pool.
I just sat there enjoying my surroundings and felt so happy to be there in that moment when one of our new neighbors walked up to where I sat.
There's a little back story.


One of the apartments here has recently been occupied by 4 people who all work at the same resort. My youngest son has befriended one of them, and then met the rest, who absolutely adore him.
They're a lot younger than I am but quite wise for their age, and to be honest, I don't think friendship should be possible at most ages. I have friends that are many years older than me. It was never an issue.

Back to yesterday. He walks up with two candles in his hands and some pieces of paper. He greeted me and then added: 'We are going to do a full moon ritual that I read about. For me it's just about gratitude but you can do anything you want if you want to join in.'

As I said: I love these spur of the moment things! It was as if this was meant to be. I was too tired to get myself back into town to join a ritual there so I created my own here with more great people.


We burned some incense. Lit two candles. I wrote down all the things I am grateful for. It was already a little list but in my head I added more to it.
My new friend burned his but I decided to hang on to mine as a reminder to look at every now and then. I might feel the need to burn it another time.

This post is not how you should or shouldn't do things.
Personally, I liked being just grateful for what I have.
Other times, I might add things that no longer serve me, and burn the paper.
It was all about being grateful & leaving the old behind.

The Moon & Its Powers

I'm a Moon child. I was born in July, so my ruling planet is the moon.
I've always felt this, as I respond to different moon phases with different emotions. It may be one of the reasons why I always feel drawn to water.
The ocean, more precisely.

The moon has always been the center of lots of different ceremonies & rituals, in lots of different cultures & religions. Wicca and paganism being two examples that most people know about. The shamans use the moon in their ceremonies.


When I do a ritual or ceremony that involves the moon, I usually work on things I'm trying to achieve during the time of the waxing moon, up until the full moon. The full moon is a time to just be grateful, work on trauma, and to get rid of the old, and that which doesn't serve you anymore.
During the waning moon, it's the opposite, I work on things I like to get rid of.
In my case it's a bit of body fat haha. So during this time, that's what my focus is on. It can be anything for anyone else though.

During the time of the New Moon, I do nothing. It's the time of 'no moon' or the 'dark moon' and it's usually a time where no ceremonies or rituals are held.

My lovely neighbors and I chatted a little while after we finished the little ceremony, had a few deeper conversations, and I realized that this was exactly what I had needed. Once you feel gratitude for everything you have, you will see that more things to be grateful for will enter your life.

Like in my case: little spontaneous ceremonies that just happen seemingly out of the blue, and meeting new people who are a lot like me.

Do you have little rituals or ceremonies you like to do sometimes? Let me know!


To catch up on the previous posts on the Manifestation series, check here:


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  • My photo(s) are my own, or were sourced on and edited by me on
    or in Canva Pro.
  • Page dividers created in Canva Pro, with images from Canva.


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