Manifestation: No Panic! Time for Reflection & Clearing your Path

Good day my dear Hive friends! I hope your week started off nicely on this Monday, in spite of what the crypto markets are doing!

In this manifestation post, I would like to touch on a few things that are present in my own life right now.
So let me get right into it!


No Panic!

At this very moment, I'm in a situation that has to be solved by next Monday, at the latest.
As for many people, it's a financial situation and it's one that's not as easy as 1 - 2 - 3.
One doesn't just find money out of the blue.
Or do they?

I've been working hard. There are days when I'm online 15 hours a day, working on our future. All of this, in order to be able to take it a bit easier in a few month or so.
However, this doesn't really solve any short term issues.

Right now, Hive and some Hive related projects I'm working on/with are my ONLY source of income. I do have the odd translation and writing job, but that would barely pay any bills. Maybe a trip to the grocery shop once a month, if I'm lucky. And with the price of Hive today, well, I don't need to tell you that it won't get me very far.

We're moving next week...
Which means I will have to come up with a full month of rent plus the deposit (also a full month rent) and I'm not even close...
And to be honest, where I was still pretty calm last week, by the time Friday came around, I was full on in panic mode!

The physical result? Well, let's say that my body felt like it was in a constant adrenaline rush, and I'm sure my heartrate has been going up as well at times.
It's still not where I'd like myself to be but what I did this weekend, sure helped.


Mentally it's not a good way to be either because panic mode will only ever help you in the case of imminent danger, like when you meet a jaguar in the jungle, or, for instance, when you have to get out of a tricky situation on the highway.
It has NO purpose in the case of solving an issue otherwise.
If anything, it will get you further removed from solving the issue.

In other words: panicking is never the answer and it will only move you further from where you want to be.
Some might say: "Well, that's easy for you to say!"
And you would be right. It's not easy.
We live in our heads most of our days, whether we realize it or not.

When we go out to get groceries, we're probably already thinking of where to go next before we even hit the first shop. When we plan a day out with family, we're likely to plan this all in our minds, from what things we need to bring to what the cost will be, and whether we can afford to go out for dinner on that day or whether we will have to cook at home...
It's normal human behavior and most of the time we don't even realize that we're doing it.


However, this doesn't mean that it's a good kind of behavior. You might think that it makes your life easier and your efforts more effective but nothing could be further from the truth!

While some planning ahead can work in our favor, most of the time it's much better to just go with the flow of things, and you will see that once your thoughts are yours to command, instead of just flying around in your head without a goal, that everything you do will become more effective and less time consuming.

But how can we achieve this? How can we stop our minds from chattering endlessly in order to get things done more effectively?

Time for Reflection to Clear your Path

I'll tell you what I did. On Friday, I decided that it was time to take a day off, and bring the whole family to do something fun. I knew it would cost money but I was willing to make the investment (of around 50 dollars) in order to take the day off and enjoy our day.

It was the best thing I could have done, and even more than I expected!

We went to one of the local cenotes about 25 minutes from Playa del Carmen.
It's a beautiful place, like many other cenotes here, and the water is crystal clear. You're surrounded by many trees and flowers, and birds are plenty.
The water is home to many tiny, and a bit bigger fish, but nothing to be afraid of. If anything, you could be one of the lucky ones to get a fish foot spa, for free.

On a Sunday, this place is packed with people because, of course, many people in the local community will use these rare days off work to spend their day there with family.


Cenote Azul near Playa del Carmen

But even though the place was packed, I still managed to get some hard needed time to reflect.
Once I got into it, I didn't even hear the chatter and splashing around me.
I was one with nature and the water, giggling when little fishes were nibbling at the dead skin on my ankles, and just enjoying the overall experience of just being.


Water has a cleansing and sometimes healing effect. I think we all know this.
But the water in those cenotes is something special.
It is absolutely healing. No doubt in my mind about it.
The water is cold but very refreshing on a hot day.
Whereas I'd usually be cringing and moaning to get in the water in Ireland for instance, I just let myself immerse right away. The water is just so pure and seems to have magical powers somehow.
The Mayan people sure know what they were doing when they settled close to, or even inside the cenotes. They're not just a good source for water. They are so much more!


My Own Reflections

The panicky feeling immediately disappeared.
I had good moments of not thinking at all. I just enjoyed being there, in nature. I took in the smells and feeling, the soft breeze on my face, the little creatures swimming around me, birds singing.


Later that day, after we got home, I reflected on the day and what was making me panic.
I made a little list in my mind of all the good things that would come from our move.
Yes, the house is more expensive than where we are now.
But staying here just to save money is not an option.
It's time for something better.
The new home will be bigger. And because we'll have a garden and a rooftop, we'll be able to grow many things.
In my mind I've already thought of what we'll be growing.
Small Lime & Lemon trees, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, herbs, melons, strawberries, and even potatoes. Aside from this, I'm planning to grow vanilla Orchids and Aloe Vera as a little side business. I'm not a complete noob to growing plants, fruits and vegetables, and I have ways to grow a relatively large crop in limited space, so I'm good on that front. In this climate, it's possible to grow many things pretty much year round.
And there are things I can grow and harvest within weeks or even days. So looking at it this way: we'd be saving money growing our own.

I know we'll also feel better because of the space we're in.
We'll be much closer to the beach, and there's a cenote only a half an hour walk away from us! Having more of our own space will also be great plus being able to eat outside every meal, and just enjoy the outdoors, even if we're home, will make such a huge difference.


Changing your course by Reflecting

Did you see what I did there? Instead of panicking and worrying about HOW I would pay for everything next week, I decided to think about all the positives that come out of our move.
I TRUST that the solution will come with that, and that something will come on my path to assist in what's needed.

The water absolutely helped, so if you're not as lucky as me to have a cenote handy, even just a few minutes in a bath or shower will help (if you like water, that is). Or a nice walk in the park or forest, or the beach... To get negative thoughts from your mind, there are a few tricks too but I'll get into that in another post.

Let me know what you think!

To catch up on the previous posts on the Manifestation series, check here:


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