Manifestation: Introduction to Ho'Oponopono

Hello my dear Hive family!
In a previous post I asked you if there would be any interest to hear more about other, manifestation related, subjects here in these posts.
I heard some interest for astrology but I also asked if there was some interest to hear about Ho'oponopono. I didn't really get a response about that but I figured that it could be because people don't really know what it is.
So I will write about it anyway. Whether you like it or not.
It's had such a huge impact on my life, in a positive way, and I think it would be a shame to deprive anyone of that.
I feel it's my task to get the word out.
Once I tell you my story with it, and more about it, you will probably understand why. So let's dive right into it!



The definition of Ho'oponopono

According to Wikipedia, the literal meaning of Ho'oponopono is the following:
Hoʻoponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English simply as correction.
When you delve into it a bit deeper, you'll find different meanings for the word Pono as well, like 'Needed' or 'Necessary', so if I'm translating this freely, you could say it's a correction that's needed or a necessary correction.

This all sounds a bit confusing probably but I will explain everything so it's easier to understand.


Hawaii Five-0 & Ho'oponopono

My daughter and I used to love watching Hawaii Five-0. I started watching the new series when it came out, since it brought me back to my childhood when I used to watch the older version with my parents.

In one episode, I was surprised by the title, which was Ka Ho'oponopono.
At the end of the episode, they have to bury someone, and then they have a traditional Hawaiian after ceremony, where the people all set out to sea on surf boards to honor the departed. The crew then say the words: Ho'oponopono.

I am not 100% sure if this is what they actually do when they say good-bye to a departed loved one but it makes a lot of sense. The person who passed is now 'reset' to move into the afterlife. I thought it was a beautiful thing, even though it was a Hollywood production.


My background with Ho'oponopono

When I was getting ready for my finals in Hypnotherapy, all the students had to write an essay related to Hypnotherapy, of course, and about a subject that we were passionate about.

It wasn't hard for me to choose the subject, as I was a freebirth & natural birth advocate, and still am. So I decided to write my essay about Hypnotherapy and how it could be used in birth.

There were a few issues I tried to get an answer to, and I signed up for a forum for hypnotherapists. I asked the questions there.
I only received two answers. One wanted money to help me, the other said only a few words that ended up changing my life.
His name was Greg, from Canada, and we ended up becoming very good friends.
His words were: "Find and read 'Zero Limits' by Dr. Haleakalā Hew Len & Joe Vitale."
If you're looking for something to read, or listen to (as I did) then I can't recommend anything more! There is some real marketing within the book but if you can push past that, you won't regret it!
Like I said: It changed my life.


After I looked up the book online, and didn't see any obvious connection to Hypnotherapy, I asked Greg what the connection was. He only answered with: "You'll see." I'm glad I took his advice. Because not only did it change my whole conception of how life should be but it also helped me use it in my work later on, and with it, I helped many people heal their traumas.

After listening to the audio book, and implementing the easy steps that were repeated time and time again within it, I became almost obsessed.
Because once I started using all I had learned, I saw some miraculous changes happening almost instantly.


I will give you an example. In another post I will write some more examples.

I had gained huge interest in Haleakalā Hew Len, and his achievements, that I knew that I had to meet the man who started it all. That last bit is not entirely true because Ho'oponopono has been around for much longer but he brought it out into the open. Before, it had been a secret within the Hawaiian Huna world.
He felt that it needed to be shared with the world, and so he did.

I couldn't sleep sometimes. First of all because I had 2 small children at the time but also because I felt that I needed to meet this man, and I couldn't get it out of my head.
I decided to take a step back, and take his own advice, so I implemented what I'd learned from the book. With that, I let go of my obsession to meet the man, and handed it all over to the universe to take care of.
Two weeks later, I found a marketing email in my inbox: Ho'oponopono Workshops coming to Amsterdam with guest speaker Haleakalā Hew Len...

I signed up, got my ticket, and a few months later, I had the honor to do a workshop with Dr. Haleakalā Hew Len. It was one of the last ones he'd ever do but it was definitely the last one in Europe.


Maybe. But I don't think it was...


So what is Ho'oponopono?

The easiest way to explain is that it changes your perception of what is going on in the outer world, and the obstacles we face.
It all begins with memory.
An example:
You're running. You see some roots ahead of you so you know that you will have to move around this, or you might fall. Falling can be painful. You know this.
However, when a baby has just started to walk, he or she might just bounce across those roots without any hesitation. If the baby has never fallen, he or she won't know that it can end with a scrape on the knee.

It's the same with ANYTHING in your life. If there are issues, like financial issues, you worry because you know that financial issues can cause other issues.
However, when you practice Ho'oponopono you basically dilute your perception of that issue, and make it less of an issue by finding inner peace.
You could call it meditation or just plain stillness, and some people would but I've seen the miracles that happened with it, when practicing and I think it brings us to a whole different level than just stillness because with it, somehow the world around you changes with you.


Ho'oponopono practice: The simple version

The words that Joe Vitale used in his book were:

"I love you"
"I'm sorry"
"Please forgive me"
"Thank you".

Personally, I stuck the 'I love you' just before the Thank you because it just flows better for me. You can mix this up any way you like.


Now, if there are any obstacles or hurdles to overcome in your life, like you're worried about an exam, or your child's exam. Or financial issues...
Use it.
You don't even have to say it out loud, but you can if you want to.


What you are basically doing is the following:
You say 'I'm sorry, for whatever it is that I did that caused the issue (it's about taking responsibility, I'll explain more later.)
Please forgive me, I love you, thank you. You're saying this to the universe, god, or whatever you feel is right. It's not aimed at anything or anyone in particular.

Repeat these phrases, whenever you feel like it, and after a while you'll see it becomes a habit. If negative thoughts come up in your mind: say those words and they will be transformed.

I will have to write another post, at least, to dive into it all a bit deeper but this is the simple beginning. It works wonders. Absolutely.
It works even better if you do it for one purpose but with more than just yourself, so your partner or child or whatever.

You can't think negative thoughts and say these in your mind at the same time! It's impossible!

About taking responsibility

OK, so here I'm going to say something that some people might frown upon.
However, I have noticed in the past that it does work that way, and it changes other people around me as well.

What the Huna say in Ho'oponopono is that YOU have to take responsibility for whatever other people tell you about that their issue is.
So let's say your friend tells you he/she's so worried about her teenage child because they hang with the wrong crowd, and gets into trouble all the time.
This is literally a scenario that has happened to me but more about that in another post...
Now, because your friend told you this you are now responsible as well.
So if those cases arise, you can simply ignore it, or you can try to help by saying those small sentences in your mind. Doesn't hurt to try, does it?

In this case, it would mean that you'd say: 'I'm sorry (for whatever I did that caused her/his child to behave like this), and then the rest behind it.
I've done this. And in a next post, I will tell you all about it.

But I think (for those who had never heard of Ho'oponopono) there's enough head spinning information here now for you to digest.





To catch up on the previous posts on the Manifestation series, check here:


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